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Member since Apr 2021 • Last active Dec 2022
  • 3 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Stunts

    Confirming that updating to messageui v0.63 did solve the issue.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Stunts

    I'm currently using "Vector Clock 0.09". I will try the developer channel's version of messageui as soon as I can, and provide feedback (likely tonight).
    It's OK in my book to make some breaking changes so things improve in the long run. I'm happy to help making them better. =-)

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Stunts

    Whoa, that was fast, @Gordon! Thank you!
    There is definitely some improvement after updating the apps (Messages 0.58 , Message Widget 0.03, Message UI 0.62). Now I get an icon whenever a new message arrives. However, the Bangle.js still does not vibrate, despite being configured to do so in the settings. So I guess it is the ssame as with @m-p{3}?

    I was able to get notifications fully working by replacing "Message UI 0.62" with "Messages Light 1.3". Switching to "Message List 0.01" has the same behavior as with "Message UI 0.62", so that might be a clue to what these two have in common and differ from "Messages Light".

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Stunts

    So, earlier today I updated my Bangle.js1 to the latest firmware version (2v16).
    Strangely enough, all my apps were deleted from the watch except 'settings'.
    I simply did a 'erase all apps' followed by 'install favourite apps'. All was well again. At least apparently.
    After some minutes I realized I was getting notifications on my phone, but my bangle.js did not vibrate. I checked the settings, and vibration was set to ":".
    I went to gadgetbridge debug, and here is the deal. If I send a test notification, the widget area blinks, but I get no notification. Going to the 'messages' app, the notifications are there! I can delete them and interact with them as I normally would.
    I also noticed that the message icon does appear when I enter the settings menu.
    I have tried to erase all apps again, and reinstall them, but the issue persists.
    Could this be a firmware update issue?
    I think I have all message related apps installed on my bangle.js:

    • Android integration
    • Messages
    • Messages UI
    • Message widget

    Any help is appreciated! Thanks.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Stunts

    I don't know... it seems unlikely it's related to the phone though. I'm a bit busy now with the KickStarter but I'll try and look into this later on

    Thank you for the follow up!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Stunts

    What is your Gadgetbridge version? Did you install Gadgetbridge from the Google Play store, or from F-Droid?

    I am using Gadgetbridge 0.60.0 from F-Droid.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Stunts

    Ahh - you're pasting into the right-hand side and clicking 'upload', which resets the Bangle and writes just that code.

    Sorry! Newbie mistake. Anyway, here are the results:
    Issuing GB({"t":"call","cmd":"incoming","name":"John","number":"+491234"}) successfully shows an incoming call notification (I had never seen this notification before, so - progress!)

    So I tried to "intercept" Gadgetbridge's commands using the suggested snippet. Again, success:


    The first list element is for Gadgetbridge's debug test gmail notification. All looks good.
    The second list element is for Gadgetbridge's debug test incoming call. Here things don't look so good. Gadgetbridge does not seem to be sending the expected incoming value for the cmd: key.

    It seems to me like a problem in Gadgetbridge phone app rather than on the watch's end. Any ideas on why this might be happening? Or should I open an issue on Gadgetbridge's issue tracker?

    or even showing a phone icon

    Woha. Cool! Thanks @dapgo.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Stunts

    Yes, it was fixed after the 2v10 release: https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/blo­b/c23289e6c18f9a88df812b855d2a54a000f54d­61/ChangeLog#L14 - so a daily build will have it sorted or it'll be fixed in 2v11

    Confirming the fix with firmware v2.8.83. Thank you! =-)

    So GB({"t":"call","cmd":"accept","name":"na­me","number":"+491234"}) for example.

    Ok, so this is proving harder to do.
    Opening the IDE, connecting via Web Blutooth I can do. Sending simple commands such as print("hello espruino") is working fine (the watch leaves the watch-face app and displays the Bangle.js logo, firmware version, etc and "hello espruino" is printed to the webIDE console).

    However, any commands starting with GB() are throwing errors:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: "GB" is not defined
     at line 1 col 1

    It's like the GB function (which from reading http://www.espruino.com/Gadgetbridge I assume stands for "GadgetBridge") has not been declared? I am quite certain Gadgetbridge is installed on the watch, since I can connect to it using my phone, so I'm not sure what is happening here.
