Bangle.js 2 Cutting Edge - new heart rate algorithm

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  • What I can tell others from my experience:
    hrmSportMode setting should be best left at -1.

    This is because hrmSportMode: 0 is real heart rate approximation for values between 50-90. Values above this are mostly impossible to predict with an algorithm considering the values this device produces.

    hrmSportMode: 1 is a boosted heart rate from acceleration heuristics, but if you leave it on when you are not moving much it creates false positives. That explains moments of hr persisting above 100 when we are at 60. This mode NEEDS movement for it to make any sense. ( perhaps if it didn't trigger so easily from just being stationary it could be improved, it has hard-coded ppg delta change and the ppg moves a lot for no apparent reason on macro scale ).

    Using hrmSportMode: -1 gives us best of both worlds, if we move a lot within a 20 second window period, we become 1, and then 20 seconds later, we are back to 0.

    So ye, the 0 mode is really good for normal relaxed heart rate values. I tried to create an algorithm that is as good as it and it took me A LOT of effort just to get close. The difference was small and so I don't think I will even bother to release it. I will however collect some more data over the coming days.

    When testing, remember to use Bangle.dbg() to notice the sportsMode changing because of the auto -1 in Bangle.getOptions().hrmSportMode

    I believe the algorithm relies on something similar to :­keisan.htm after looking at the decompilation. So its a frequency-domain based solution? I guess.

    The method I have been testing recently was a threshold based peak detection on the time-domain.

    I'm personally grateful we have something that works so well, considering how the signal looks, its kind of a miracle.

  • Yes, I think as you say the binary blob is frequency based - it works on blocks of data, rather than instantaneously (as the 'open' algorithm does). I think the benefit there is it's relatively straightforward to discount readings where there's high acceleration.

  • Hey all. Thanks for all the hard work tinkering and testing the HRM settings. I've read the 6 pages of back and forth and just want to confirm a couple of things. As a non-technical end user and based on the current firmware, overall how accurate is the HRM? What are the key things to presently be aware of when considering HRM data (ex: certain activities are more prone to bad data VS resting HRM, etc.)? Thanks in advance!

  • I think someone else needs to jump in here and answer as I haven't done a great deal of comparison testing, but my experience has been that with the new algorithm, HRM works well enough for everyday use.

    However it's not going to compete with a device that uses an actual ECG - it's a different technology that is much less susceptible to movement.

  • Thanks for the reply Gordon! I didn't realize that we weren't really comparing apples-to-apples. It sounds like it'll be most useful to gather a really good understanding of my resting heart rate and maybe my sleep heart rate, but that I should take it with a grain of salt when moving.

    I'd be curious if someone else can comment on if light movement walking HRM tends to be accurate. Also, does it find its "groove" over the course of exercise (I.e. maybe the first few minutes of a 30-60 min walk might be a bit funky, but perhaps it settles into a rhythm once movement is detected)?

  • Very late response, but I don't know how useful it is anyway:

    Compared to a Fitbit Versa 3, I usually get within 5-10bpm consistently. They both use the photosomethingorother sensor, but in case there was some secret algorithm Fitbit uses, here's a roughly what I've found:

    Fitbit likes to draw their graphs as "landscape" as possible, with a thick line that hides how spikey it gets, but usually it has the exact same peaks and valleys as Bangle.

    Attached are screenshots of the graphs of both while shoveling and using a snowblower on and off for about an hour and a half.

    Peaks in the Fitbit graph are 117bpm, then 132, 132, 132.
    Corresponding peaks in Gadgetbridge are 90bpm, then 127, 130, 137.

    2 Attachments

    • Fitbit Versa 3 - 20240325.png
    • Screenshot_20240325_155050_Banglejs Gadgetbridge.jpg
  • Appreciate the insights :)

  • @Gordon I am working with 2 students on the algorithms for HR and steps. We would like to integrate with your work in the most efficient way so that, in case they come up with something promising, you can integrate their code easily into the firmware.

    What we are going to do:

    • collect raw data with reference, both step count and heart rate
    • test out a few alternative algos and compare them in terms of accuracy / resources utilization

    I am aware of these two repos that you have created:­MTestHarness

    We can simply push code to those 2, or, maybe more efficiently, we could merge them into one?
    Some guidance would be greatly appreciated.


  • collect raw data with reference, both step count and heart rate

    Out of interest, what do you use for capturing the reference data?

  • what do you use for capturing the reference data?

    HR: Polar HR sensor with BLE (based on ECG)
    Steps: we put an IMU on a shoe. With some simple thresholding, the step count is quite reliable.

  • That's great! It's up to you - I guess I'd be inclined just to keep the two repos separate - I would imagine the test data in each case might not always have that much in common (no need to have HRM data if you only want to test out step counting and so on) although it sounds like in your case you'll be gathering both at the same time.

    ... also the way you'll want to compare algorithms for step counts and HRM is probably different too.

    We can't easily run the binary algorithm 'offline' so it might be worth logging the Bangle's reported HRM as well so you can test. One thing to note is the binary algo 'windows' the data and runs a filter over it, so it can't report instantaneous beat data - which would be really nice for heart rate variability values.

    Realistically the important thing for integration is that the algorithms themselves are normal, self-contained C files like­b/master/libs/misc/heartrate.c that implement this API:­b/master/libs/misc/heartrate.h

    So hrm_new/etc

    Same for step counting and­b/master/libs/misc/stepcount.c

    I'm sure you know this already, but getting good algorithms is really all about getting good test data. For step counting for a while we were using data gathered from just one person and we did a great job of step counting for them - it just sucked for most other people :)

  • I should also add, on the data front it's important to have a bunch of non-walking data too. Working at a computer, cooking, and driving especially.

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Bangle.js 2 Cutting Edge - new heart rate algorithm

Posted by Avatar for Gordon @Gordon
