Most recent activity
Yep. It's a bit of a tight rope.
Average motion when I'm actually asleep is about 125.
Average motion during a movie or reading a book is about 102-180.
Average heart rate when I'm asleep is 54.
Average heart rate during a movie/reading is about 64.So using only motion, it comes down to consecutiveness, which can get close. But then if I read before bed, it counts it as sleep. And I tend to look at the app loader interface, rather than the watch app, so it doesn't cut out the mid-day things as well.
I'm still testing this out, and if sleeplog works fine for everyone else, that's fine. Just wanted to make sure I mentioned it while they were thinking about how to sync it to gadgetbridge, and/or see if it was just a "I need to move more while reading" thing. :P
Has anyone already tried adding heart rate to SleepLog?
A single max heart rate like
that says to only consider sleep if heart rate is below that value (in my case ~58-60bpm).Based on motion alone I get a lot of false positives during the day based on motion, if I'm at my desk for 30 min, or at the dentist, etc. (And then there's often a base level of ~50-80 reported even if I'm not wearing the watch...)
I've been trying the heart rate plan and I still get false positives if the heart rate gives a
for whatever reason, so I've also considered holding onto the most recent nonzero for a while.I also considered trying to store min/max heart rate and basing sleep on the lowest 15th percentile. But for myself just setting a bpm is easy enough.
Yeah, it'd be helpful to add a quick check
if (!location || ! || !location.lon)
then give a message about mylocation needing to be set, and some detail in the readme about if you get the message, do xyz to solve it. Otherwise it just silently fails on the watch, until you look in the IDE.The missing Bangle.http issue is a bit beyond me though. Maybe check on firmware version?
(Side note: has anyone considered having gps or gadgetbridge update mylocation once in a while? Or does that exist already?
OpenWeatherMap does have an API to look up location name from lat/lon, so that could also fill in name too if needed.){Update re mylocation: I found this thread. Searched GitHub for mylocation and didn't find anything that looked like auto-updates yet.}
Ah, now you also don't have a location set. We managed to end up with the same problem. Go into the app loader and search for My Location and click the save icon to open the interface. Then pick a location on the map and save. (I can try to write better instructions later...)
(You can ignore the set weather and gadgetbridge weather if you use OWMweather. )
Yeah, after a week or two I noticed my heart rate wasn't foolproof either, so I've held off submitting any changes.
There is someone working on syncing to Sleep as Android and/or a sleep algorithm in Gadgetbridge, so I'm just silently cheering them on and hoping for the best: