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  • Well, I've started on a largeish improvement.
    It works*, but there is still much to do. Just figured I'd post here so someone else doesn't start duplicating my effort.
    So far:

    • separate screens for messages/call/music/map
    • scrolling messages, you can scroll down to the next message
    • left-to-right swipe takes you back
    • right-to-left on a message shows actions menu

    * With the latest cutting-edge firmware, Bangle.js1 should in theory work, but not tested yet.

  • Nice! Sadly I cannot test now, my bangle is broken (dead button) and I'm waiting for the replacement to arrive :-(

  • Testing your fork a little. Have you considered left-to-right swipe in music submenu to not be 'up menu level' but instead 'previous track'?

    Also, pressing the button in music submenu acts simultaneously to 'play/pause' and 'up menu level'.

    And lastly, I suggest the music menu icon to be shown on app start even if no music is currently playing. This way you could access music controls to initiate a track from the bangle instead of from the phone.

    My two cents! Nice work :)

  • Thanks very much @rigrig, just wanted to let you know that your version of Messages is exactly how I wanted it to work!


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