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  • Thanks for that. We really need measurements against another device like a 'fibit' or 'amazfit bip'. Watching a step counter while walking and manually counting steps is very hard. It also skews the accelerometer readings because the watch is not always in the usual walking orientation with respect to your body etc, arms slightly swinging by your side etc.

  • I think recording the steps (not watching the counter) and counting can be good. We don't know which way other devices are skewed, so if you can walk normally and count then the data is useful. I find I can count accurately for 1000 steps, and then I get bored and my mind drifts, but for those 1000 steps I am pretty certain of my counting, and I think only for the first few steps I am paying more attention to the steps than I usually would (and possibly walking unnaturally).

  • Yeah, I just walk normally and count to 10 over and over and use the fingers on my right hand to count the 10s up to 100 and then I use my left hand to keep track of the 100s. That way I can very accurately count much higher than 1000 without much effort.


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