Avatar for youphyun


Member since May 2022 • Last active Feb 2023
  • 3 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for youphyun

    Seems we have two issues in here:

    1. Malformed JSON from Bangle.js: No value for t
    2. Malformed JSON from Bangle.js: No value for status

    I get the 2nd "Malformed JSON from Bangle.js: No value for status" too. Version Bangle.js Gadgetbridge 0.72.0-banglejs. As far as I can see it is rather a cosmetic issue. I hope it will be fixed by an app update.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for youphyun

    I am happy with the Bangle.js 2 and would buy it for my kids if it was better waterproof and the charging connector would be improved.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for youphyun

    Sometimes the step count is lost (after a reboot/upgrade). Would it be possible to reset the step count manually using the Custom Boot Code app? Maybe using Bangle.setSteps?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for youphyun

    I am having similar issues, notifications were working for 1 day but the next day stop working, including the "Find lost device" functionality. Gadgetbridge and Bangle.js 2 show as connected, the battery stats also seems to work but no notifications get through. 'Settings -> Utils -> Rewrite Settings` does not help either. I am on firmware v15 with Gadgetbridge from F-Droid on LineageOS without Google services. What can I do to solve / further debug?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for youphyun

    This is really great, are there any know constraints? For example should I make sure that the firmware version of the backup is the same as the actual firmware on the watch?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for youphyun

    Good to note: Bangle.getHealthStatus("day").steps is reset to zero if you reboot your watch with a long BTN Press. I do like the 'Lato Pedometer' most because of its font. So I understand it is the only difference between the Simple Pedometer and the Lato Pedometer widget. But how do they differ from Pedometer widget (v0.22)? I guess the Pedometer widget is bigger in file size and has more options that can be configured?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for youphyun

    twistThreshold ... Can be negative for oppsite direction. default = 800

    The http://www.espruino.com/Reference#l_Bangle_setOptions list a different range and default value for the twist threshold as what I can find in my Bangle.js 2:

    twist threshold: 0-0.5 in steps of a 10th of a decimal,
    for me 0.2 seems to be a good default setting
    twist max y: -1500 till +1500 default: -800
    twist timeout: 0-2000, for me 500 seems to be a good default setting

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for youphyun

    I also found this forum post. Thanks for the suggestions. I also confirm that these settings give good results. The original settings were too sensitive for me resulting the screen to be on with almost every move of the arm. I am using firmware v15

    twist threshold: 0.2 (was 0.1)
    twist max y: -800 (unchanged)
    twist timeout: 500 (was 1000)

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for youphyun

    I also confirm the small sticker/tape on the two middle contacts is slowly coming off. Most probably due to cleaning and wearing. Those contacts remain a weak part of the Bangle.js 2 including the weak magnets of the charging cable that just helps a little to keep it in place. I decided to use the silicon cover and apply a bigger piece of electrical tape to cover all 4 contacts that I can easily replace if needed at every charge.
