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Member since Apr 2020 • Last active Nov 2021
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  • in Bangle.js
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    I don't know what goes on with Gadgetbridge development, but wouldn't it be better to obtain official support of the device from Gadgetbridge rather than creating a separate app?

    As far as Tasker integration goes I'll wait to see what opportunity awaits to enable that and pursue when appropriate.

  • in Bangle.js
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    @Gordon I hope you accept this feature request proposal.

    I'm a bit surprised not to find a single mention of the swiss army knife of Android micro app maker tool that is Tasker in these forums! Now that Gordon is going to make a dedicated mobile app for the Bangle.js 2 the ability to easily integrate with Tasker is very real now and with very little effort in the application's tooling! I spoke with João Dias, maintainer of Tasker, and he said this is most of what is needed to be done: "[add the] Tasker plugin capabilities to the app he's already building (check here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=48IVJgDtu6Y
    )". If you don't own Tasker for Android you should buy it. Best $4.50 you will ever spend! Apple people, sorry... wrong ecosystem!

    So what's so special about Tasker? Well, think of making your own app (script) to fill in for a missing feature on Android rather than waiting for downloading some untrustworthy app that wants access to your camera and mic. when it clearly shouldn't need that. Also, think about home automation or integration between hardware to software or hardware to hardware through your phone being the middleware. There's a lot of examples online of people doing stuff with Tasker. For those new to it though its best to view some of the more reasonable examples and feature pitches from the maintainer himself to get an idea of what it is and can do.

    Some specific examples of what might be possible with Bangle.js 2's mobile app supporting Tasker:

    1. Button for garage door opener (requires garage door hardware such as a microcontroller and existing home automation controller).
    2. Contact family or friends should your heart rate indicate a problem.
    3. Send you an alert when your watch battery is low and you're near your charger as a courtesy reminder.
    4. Send you a notification when your watch battery is charged fully or at the desired max level, say 80% if you want to extend battery life over the life of the watch.
    5. Swap out data like sounds or graphics based on conditions of the day or weather using Tasker to determine when/what to send from watch to phone or vice versa.
    6. On that same note, display simple graphs like stock market data in near real time.
    7. Rather than one time notification when a text or call comes in from a person of interest go into all-out nag mode and persistently try to get attention to the missed call/text until its at least read or seen.
    8. Use your watch as a controller for your home security PTZ camera.

    I bet if you can think it and its fairly reasonable it can be done with integration with Tasker.

  • in Bangle.js
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    Yeah, I wasn't really thinking about software I guess that does cause another layer of needed care to address. Mostly having a line in the sand with V1 over there and V2 over here simplifies the need to ask questions of the OP when questions are asked, but its pointless to have this separation if the software/apps are for support of both platforms. The solution for that then would be an insane explosion of more narrow focused forum topics, but then it would be a nightmare finding the proper home for questions. The last thing needed is the forum turns into a soupy mess like that seen in Microsoft forums where it's a game of shouting at the OP that they need to post in forum Z because forum Y is for X questions only.

    Probably the easiest solution then is to have the OP provide questions from a template answered to specify which device and other helpful troubleshooting information depending on the question type.

  • in Bangle.js
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    I'm predicting a lot of repetitive confusion to occur if a single Bangle.js forum device listing continues to represent 2x different versions of the device. Perhaps Bangle.js should be renamed to Bangle.js V1 and a new device in the forum for Bangle.js V2.

  • in Bangle.js
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    Or you use small magnets and a hall sensor to read then you don't need to have any actual penetration of the watch core hull. I really wonder if the folks over at http://www.polymagnet.com/ would be interested in partnering up for something custom in this area. Those guys over there at poly magnet are amazing! They can custom design magnets to achieve feats that normal magnets that we know today are not capable of! Check out this video to be amazed and get an idea of what I'm talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IANBoybVApQ

  • in Bangle.js
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    Got my watch in the mail yesterday! I'm gonna start creating an exterior watch core model with AutoDesk Fusion 360 which is free for personal use: https://www.autodesk.com/campaigns/fusion-360-for-hobbyists Make sure you meet the requirements if you plan to use the free personal license. I'm a bit rusty with modeling software so this is going to take some time.

    In the future I may be building a 3D model generating lidar scanner turntable that could possibly be used to make this sort of work easier.

  • in Bangle.js
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    @Johan_O thanks for the link. Looks like the same hardware. Something strange happened when I followed that link on my PC. Malwarebytes kicked in to let me know something:

    Website blocked due to a suspicious top level domain (TLD)

    Website blocked: http://www.dtone.cc Malwarebytes Browser Guard blocked this
    website because it may contain scam activity.

    @Gordon As soon as my watch arrives I'll start working on building a model unless someone beats me to it.
