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  • Thanks for the log! I see some messages like:

    SENDING GB({t:"notify",id:1691496778,src:"Gmail"­,title:"Google",subject:"",body:"Securit­y alert\n",sender:""})

    And then no DISMISS/OPEN command with a matching ID for those. Was that because you didn't tap on those, or are they ones that you were having trouble with?

    I wonder if this is SMS vs MMS?

    It may be SMS is actually handled differently to normal notifications? That might explain it... @Ganblejs do you have any experience of this from when you were poking around?

    I just checked and it seems we only send notifications via onNotification in Gadgetbridge, so if it is different maybe it gets handled internally - but I can imagine that maybe SMS don't respond to commands like DISMISS/OPEN

  • @Gordon Regarding SMS, I've actually observed a different behaviour for those notifications compared to others (but haven't had an opportunity to dig any further).

    Whenever I get an SMS and then clear the notification on my phone, the message persists on the Bangle and has to be deleted manually. This only happens with SMS.

    Could of course be a particular thing with my setup, and I've been suspecting as much since I haven't seen anyone mentioning anything similar. But, since we're talking about SMS quirks here I figured I'd mention it.

    I'll try to grab a log for this later today.


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