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  • Edit: this might be due to battery level varies between e.g. 31% and 29% back and forth.

    Yes, I think that's it.

    Could a function sitting between the current battery handling and us users be introduced that receives all the battery info updates, but only pass on values if it's lower than any of the previous values that the current battery handling sent out?

    Yes, this was discussed being done internally in Bangle.js, but actually it could be a bit confusing to users. I think this is something we should definitely fix in the Gadgetbridge app though and I've just made some changes at­etbridge/pulls/2870

    So hopefully soon a new Gadgetbridge release will fix this

  • Sorry for necroing this post, but I did not want to start a new thread, given this is also my issue.
    Specifically the repeated warning of the battery being low, when I am not at home to charge my watch I have to disable bluetooth or turn the watch off because otherwise I will throw it against a wall. I have not yet found a way to just turn the warning off, or set it so it only warns me once. I love this watch so much but this specific issue is driving me up a wall.


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