I personally like using the "event" option for one-time reminders, and I delete them after. I'm thinking that adding a delete after expiration option just like the timers have would be a good idea, and I'm willing to attempt to implement it. To avoid duplicating work, is anyone else already doing that?
I'm not doing that! ;)
Maybe adding buttons when the event is triggered "Done!", which deletes the event, and "Postpone", which snoozes the event for an hour makes sense? Then it's easy to get rid of it directly if you want to, or still there if you need it again.
(Sorry for breaking my own rule about doing dev talk elsewhere. Although I guess conceptual discussion in here makes sense :P)
I got a bangle for one single reason: I wasn't able to find any other standalone watch that could input alarms for dated events with title/message. (Other watches show events from attached device's calendar - so not standalone, or allow to input text for alarms that can only be scheduled on a weekly basis, e.g. the WatchMinder. Doing a program on Android seemed too complicated, and battery life didn't seem that good, so Bangle looked promising.)
So "sched" is already able to schedule that for us on the Bangle, but it needs the associated UI.
A few steps in that direction: