• What a smart move to come up with a Emulator to bridge the time until shipping of Bangle.js starts.

    • In General
      • Link to the Emulator.
      • Replace the sample blink code with your own code.
      • Add ?gist:<your gist number>&upload to load your code, try Welcome.

    Please start growing this post with hints you like to share about the Emulator.

    • Bangle.js Buttons

    1 Attachment

    • Bildschirmfoto 2019-11-30 um 13.24.40.jpg
  • Sat 2019.11.30

    Yes agreed @MaBe and so thoughtful this thread.

    Help topic for 'gist' reference Bullet Three from post #1

    'Add ?gist:&upload to load your code, try Welcome.'


  • For LEDs in the context of bangle.js, see the How to define and use Software LEDs @ this sequence of posts.

    All kinds of blinking LEDs...

    2 Attachments

  • Thank you very much for pointing that out!

  • Thank you very much for implementing that feature! Its awesome!

  • Check the new feature in the Bangle.js loader and try some apps in the emulator by click the glyph showed in the attached screenshot

    1 Attachment

    • Bildschirmfoto 2019-12-03 um 18.44.38.jpg
  • Thanks for these references. Was wondering however where the "Blue" led was? :-)

  • Since @allObjects post the 'fake' LEDs have now been built into the firmware.

    There isn't a LED3 though. Basically all the Espruino boards that I sell have at least 2 LEDs, but not all have 3. It means that in example code I tend to only use the first 2 LEDs so I can be sure it works on every device.

    Since this is a bit of a hack to make example code work, I only implemented LED1 and LED2 - adding a 3rd one just seemed a bit pointless :)

  • I am in love with this "Try in Emulator" button!!! I look forward to emulate the Beer app as well ;-)

  • How do I use the Languages/Locale app when developing another app, eg a clock, in the emulator?

  • At the moment you can't use any locale in the emulator other than the built-in one, which is en_GB.

    Adding a full tutorial and docs on this is on my list of things to do, but if you look at https://github.com/espruino/Espruino/blob/master/libs/js/banglejs/locale.js you'll see what functions are available to you.

    So if you do require("locale").dow(new Date()) you'll get the day of the week. If you then try that app on a real Bangle.js with a different locale, you'll get the day names in the correct language

  • Hi Gordon,

    thanks for the quick feedback. Got this working now:

    For others: To get it to work in the emulator, instead of var locales = require("locale"); I used this (for German):

    locale = {"lang":"de_DE","decimal_point":",","thousands_sep":".","currency_symbol":"\x80","int_curr_symbol":"EUR","speed":"kmh","distance":{"0":"m","1":"km"},"temperature":"°C","ampm":{"0":"","1":""},"timePattern":{"0":"%HH:%MM:%SS","1":"%HH:%MM"},"datePattern":{"0":"%A, %d. %B %Y","1":"%d.%m.%Y"},"abmonth":"Jan,Feb,Mär,Apr,Mai,Jun,Jul,Aug,Sep,Okt,Nov,Dez","month":"Januar,Februar,März,April,Mai,Juni,Juli,August,September,Oktober,November,Dezember","abday":"So,Mo,Di,Mi,Do,Fr,Sa","day":"Sonntag,Montag,Dienstag,Mittwoch,Donnerstag,Freitag,Samstag","trans":{"yes":"ja","Yes":"Ja","no":"nein","No":"Nein","ok":"ok","on":"an","off":"aus"}};
            locales  = {
                lang: locale.lang,
                currencySym: String.fromCharCode(locale.currency_symbol),
                dow:   (d,short) => {day = d.getDay();return (short) ? locale.abday.split(",")[day] : locale.day.split(",")[day];},
                month: (d,short) => { month = d.getMonth(); return (short) ? locale.abmonth.split(",")[month] : locale.month.split(",")[month];},
                number: n => n.toString().replace(locale.thousands_sep, locale.decimal_point),
                currency: n => n.toFixed(2).replace(locale.thousands_sep, locale.decimal_point) + locale.currency_symbol,
                distance: n => (n < 1000) ? Math.round(n) + locale.distance[0] : Math.round(n/1000) + locale.distance[1],
                speed: s => Math.round(s) +locale.speed,
                temp: t => Math.round(t) + locale.temperature,
                translate: s => {s=""+s;return locale.trans[s]||locale.trans[s.toLowerCase()]||s;},
                date: (d,short) =>  (short) ? `${('0'+d.getDate()).substr(-2)}.${('0'+(d.getMonth()+1).toString()).substr(-2)}.${d.getFullYear()}`: `${locale.day.split(',')[d.getDay()]}, ${('0'+d.getDate()).substr(-2)}. ${locale.month.split(',')[d.getMonth()]} ${d.getFullYear()}`,
                time: (d,short) =>  (short) ? `${('0'+d.getHours()).substr(-2)}:${('0'+d.getMinutes()).substr(-2)}`: `${('0'+d.getHours()).substr(-2)}:${('0'+d.getMinutes()).substr(-2)}:${('0'+d.getSeconds()).substr(-2)}`,

    The only thing I am still fighting with is the currency symbol, I am not getting this displayed...


  • Thats odd - looks like currencySym: String.fromCharCode(locale.currency_symbol), but then "currency_symbol":"\x80".

    I think currencySym: String.fromCharCode(locale.currency_symbol), should actually be currencySym: locale.currency_symbol,.

    Also it'll only work on the 6x8 font, not the 4x6 (as that doesn't include non-ASCII char codes

    ... but if you have problems about locale stuff, please could you start a new thread?

  • Well, this was taken straight from the repo, cf.https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/blob/master/apps/locale/locales.js#L41 and https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/blob/master/apps/locale/locale.html#L67 ...
    Will check this further and start eventually a new thread/issue, I think my issue was simply that I tested only with the small font...

  • Thanks - I have just fixed that bug in https://github.com/espruino/BangleApps/b­lob/master/apps/locale/locale.html - I'll push it live tomorrow

    ... but yes, it could well be a font issue - sadly there's just not enough memory to have 3 full fonts built in

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Some hints when starting with the Web IDE Emulator for Bangle.js

Posted by Avatar for MaBe @MaBe
