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  • Did you update the bootloader firmware as well? The Alarm is partially implemented in that (to allow it to work regardless of whether widgets are displayed or not), so you may not have actually got all the fixes yet :)

  • Yes, Bootloader v.0.07, Default Alarm v.0.02.
    Definitely did happen one more time: had an alarm on, and the same weirdness happened on saturday again.
    Fw version 06a6ca5. But the "About" app says NO bootloader, NO launcher, NO settings. But I do have all of those. Is this a bug in the "About"? Maybe that wasn't updated with the new file names / settings?
    I will try a fresh install...

    Edit after total reinstall (fw + default apps):

    The alarm seems to work, if the screen is off, and the watch is not doing anything.
    I get the same weirdness if either:

    • an app (in this case the compass) is active when the alarm should go off
    • set alarm to current minute and quickly long-press BTN3 to get to the main screen

    The "About" app still says NO bootloader, NO launcher, NO settings. But I do have all of those. I think this a bug in the "About" app.


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