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Member since Jul 2023 • Last active Jul 2023
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for _Martin_

    Thanks for the info, appreciated.

    I want to see the current time of the day.

    So I will just do that then :-)

    In general, I'd say it'd be nice to improve the 'built in' music control in the messagesgui app [...]

    I feel like the gbmusic app is a bit more "reliable"

    Which brings me to:

    I have a feeling we may have avoided showing the current time in the song because that information wasn't readily available [...]

    Ah, that sounds like it explains one of the issues I have with the default music UI:

    • it shows me info about a track which is available, but if I hit the play icon it plays something from a different app. (I'm using NewPipe, Podcast Addict and Spotify and it seems if NewPipe is open, this one catches the Play-Intent first)
    • it also does not show the time but some (wrong?) time info of the current track
    • it does not reliable start when I listen to something on my connected phone, which didn't seem to be a problem with gbmusic.
  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for _Martin_

    I'm currently using gbmusic. I'd like to add a option for displaying the current time when something is playing.

    In this issue comment on Github, it's mentioned that gbmusic is "kinda" deprecated.

    Is this true? Should I create a fork and add the time display, or should I create a PR for gbmusic?
