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  • @Gordon - I think I have cracked the major problems. I am down to the level of improvements that require much tighter testing metholodoly (average of multiple tests, calibration of the device that it is being compared against).

    The code below is the current best. And I think you could implement this in the firmware without too much disruption to memory requirements or the existing code.

    NEXT STEP is to implement this in firmware (ideally with X in X being configurable) so that I can continue testing.

    I have introduced 2 improvements that have been tested over the last 3 days with lots of success.

    1) Gating the filter to cut the ringing- using the raw signal. Avoids over counting by 5-8 additional steps every time you stop walking. Also avoids openning up the State Machine due to a single impulse.

    2) The State Machine - which is easy to configure and will have no memory impact if we later decide that 8 in 8 or 9 in 9 is a better setting.

    I have got the counting while the person is sleeping problem down from 1200 steps to 46 steps. 1000 steps in a day is a 10% error over 10K steps.

    There are multiple tests that have to be done in different scenarios.

    • Exercise tests - measured distance and expected step count against other devices. This code is now 96-99% accurate against a Amazfit GTS2.
    • Sleep Tests * - the step counter should not count while sleeping. All do to a lesser or greater extent. Record the steps counted while sleeping overnights.
    • Driving test - we ideally should not count 100s of steps while driving. I have got this effect down but not fully. It might be improved by moving from 7 Steps in 7 Seconds to 8 in 8.

      * Javascript step counting app, with state machine to ensure we only
      * start counting after X steps in X seconds we use the state machine
      * to check each step is within the expected period for that step To
      * reduce the impact of the Low Pass Filter ringing we use the raw
      * accelerometer data to gate the output from the filter.  This leads
      * to better cut off within 1 second when a step sequence has
      * stopped.
      * FIR filter designed with
      * sampling frequency: 12.5 Hz
      * fixed point precision: 10 bits
      * 0   Hz - 1.1 Hz,  gain = 0  desired attenuation = -40 dB
      * 1.3 Hz - 2.5 Hz,  gain = 1  desired ripple = 5 dB
      * 2.7 Hz - 6.25 Hz, gain = 0  desired attenuation = -40 dB
      *   --------     ------------------    --------------------   ---------------------   -----------
      *   | accel |    | raw thresold   |    |                  |   |                   |   |  state  |
      *   |       |----| to gate filter |----| Low Pass Filter  |---| Step Up/Down      |---| machine |-- increment
      *   |1      |    | output        2|    |                 3|   | cycle detection 4 |   |        5|   step count
      *    ---------    ------------------    --------------------   ---------------------   -----------
      *  2,5 improvements identified and tested by Hugh Barney, July 2021
      * V3.1 bypass the filter if the accelerometer is not over threshold for more than 1 second of samples
      * V3.2 fixed assignment issue in if statement
      * v3.3 over counting by 1 step after 5 reached, could be the last 1 second before we bypass the filter
      * v3.4 set X_STEPS_COUNT=5 (dont change again), use OFFSET and set V_REGISTER = 17
      * v3.5 X_STEPS_COUNT removed, now uses X_STEPS which is set to 7 following tests driving, OFFSET removed
      const version = "3.5";
      const X_STEPS = 7;            // we need to see X steps in X seconds to move to STEPPING state
      const V_REGISTER = 17;        // raw threshold we must cross to start registering raw acceleration values
      const N_ACTIVE_SAMPLES = 12;  // number of samples raw acceleration must be over threshold before pass to filter
      const T_MAX_STEP = 1000;      // upper limit for time for 1 step (ms)
      const T_MIN_STEP = 167;       // lower limit for time for 1 step (ms)
      var bypass_filter = true;
      var active_sample_count = 0;
      // (3) Low Pass filter 
      var filter_taps = new Int8Array([ -2, 4, 4, 1, -1, 0, 2, -3, -12, -13, 2, 24, 29, 6, -25, -33, -13, 10, 11, -1, 3, 29, 41, 4, -62, -89, -34, 62, 110, 62, -34, -89, -62, 4, 41, 29, 3, -1, 11, 10, -13, -33, -25, 6, 29, 24, 2, -13, -12, -3, 2, 0, -1, 1, 4, 4, -2 ]);
      // create a history buffer the same lenght as the filter taps array
      var history = new Int8Array(filter_taps.length);
      * stepCounterThreshold of the filtered data used by the f/w by
      * default.  In practice increasing this threshold does not make a
      * lot of difference as the range of the filtered output is approx
      * -4000 to +4000.  This value ensures consistant Up / Down step edge
      * detection.  Any two places on a sine wave 180 degress apart will
      * do for detecting a full up / down cycle.
      const stepCounterThreshold = 1000;
      var stepWasLow = false;  // has filtered acceleration passed stepCounterThreshold
      var step_count = 0;      // total steps since app start
      var pass_count = 0;      // number of seperate passes through the STATE machine that lead to STEPPING
      var reject_count = 0;    // number of rejections through the STATE machine
      // acceleromter operates at 12.5Hz
      function onAccel(a) {
      // scale to fit and clip
      var m = a.mag;
      var v = ((m-1)*8192)>>5;
      * create a new Int8Array from the existing but starting from pos 1
      * of the existing history this drops off index 0 and moves
      * everything up, leaving the last entry to be filled with the new
      * value
      history.set(new Int8Array(history.buffer,1));
      * (1) Accelerometer input data
      * Set last value to the clipped value from the accel. The clipping
      * is needed otherwise the history will need to be stored in an
      * In16Array which will double the memory requirements of the
      * filter in the C code.
      var raw_clipped = E.clip(v, -128, 127);
      history[history.length-1] = raw_clipped;
      * (2) Gating output of the filter
      * The filter rings 5-6 cycles after 1 impulse which look like 5 or
      * 6 additional steps, when in fact we stopped 5 steps ago.
      * The accelerometer responds to movement or lack of movement very
      * quickly and does not ring (unlike the filter). So we can rely on
      * the accelerometer telling us when we have stopped moving.
      * We wait for N_ACTIVE_SAMPLES over threshold before we take the
      * output of the filter.  Likewise we stop taking the output of the
      * filter within N_ACTIVE_SAMPLES of having stopped moving.
      * This reduces the impact of the ringing on the filter to within
      * +/- 1 second almost a perfect filter. It means we might over
      * count by 1 step due to late shutting off BUT this is blanced by
      * late switching on when we first detected acceleration.
      if ( v > V_REGISTER || v < -1*V_REGISTER ) {
      if (active_sample_count < N_ACTIVE_SAMPLES)
      if (active_sample_count == N_ACTIVE_SAMPLES)
        bypass_filter = false;
      } else {
      if (active_sample_count > 0)
      if (active_sample_count == 0)
        bypass_filter = true;
      var accFiltered;
      if (bypass_filter) {
      accFiltered = 0;
      } else {
      // (3) Low Pass filter output - gated by (2)
      // digital filter, output has to be scaled down as the calculation is integer based, no floating point
      accFiltered = E.convolve(filter_taps, history, 0) >> 2;
      var t = Math.round((getTime() - t_start)*1000);
      // this is useful to generate a CSV file of TIME, RAW, FILTERED values
      console.log(t + "," + raw_clipped + "," + accFiltered);
      // (4) check for steps, a bottom, followed by top threshold crossing = a step
      var hadStep = false;
      var t = 0;
      if (accFiltered < -stepCounterThreshold) {
      stepWasLow = true;
      } else if ((accFiltered > stepCounterThreshold) && stepWasLow) {
      stepWasLow = false;
      // We now have something resembling a step
      // now call state machine to ensure we only count steps when we have done X steps in X seconds
      hadStep = true;
      // (5) state machine
      step_count += step_machine.step_state();
      * (5) State Machine
      * The state machine ensure all steps are checked that they fall
      * between T_MIN_STEP and T_MAX_STEP. The 2v9.90 firmare uses X steps
      * in Y seconds but this just enforces that the step X steps ago was
      * within 6 seconds (75 samples).  It is possible to have 4 steps
      * within 1 second and then not get the 5th until T5 seconds.  This
      * could mean that the F/W would would be letting through 2 batches
      * of steps that actually would not meet the threshold as the step at
      * T5 could be the last.  The F/W version also does not give back the
      * X steps detected whilst it is waiting for X steps in Y seconds.
      * After 100 cycles of the algorithm this would amount to 500 steps
      * which is a 5% error over 10K steps.  In practice the number of
      * passes through the step machine from STEP_1 state to STEPPING
      * state can be as high as 500 events.  So using the state machine
      * approach avoids this source of error.
      function STEP_STATE() {
      this.S_STILL = 0;       // just created state m/c no steps yet
      this.S_STEP_1 = 1;      // first step recorded
      this.S_STEP_22N = 2;    // counting 2-X steps
      this.S_STEPPING = 3;    // we've had X steps in X seconds
      STEP_STATE.prototype.reset = function() {
      this.state = this.S_STILL;
      this.hold_steps = 0;
      this.t_prev = getTime();
      STEP_STATE.prototype.get_hold_steps = function() {
      return this.hold_steps;
      STEP_STATE.prototype.step_state = function() {
      var st = this.state;
      var t;
      switch (st) {
      case this.S_STILL:
      this.state = this.S_STEP_1;
      this.t_prev = getTime();
      this.hold_steps = 1;
      return 0;
      case this.S_STEP_1:
      t = Math.round((getTime() - this.t_prev)*1000);
      //console.log(t + " S_STEP_1");
      this.t_prev = getTime();
      // we got a step within 0.167s (6 min/mile) and 1 second
      if (t <= T_MAX_STEP && t >= T_MIN_STEP) {
        this.state = this.S_STEP_22N;
        this.hold_steps = 2;
      } else {
        // we stay in STEP_1 state
      return 0;
      case this.S_STEP_22N:
      t = Math.round((getTime() - this.t_prev)*1000);
      //console.log(t + " S_STEP_22N");
      this.t_prev = getTime();
      // we got a step within 0.167s (6min/mile) and 1 second
      if (t <= T_MAX_STEP && t >= T_MIN_STEP) {
        if (this.hold_steps >= X_STEPS) {
          this.state = this.S_STEPPING;
          this.hold_steps = 1;
          pass_count++;  // we are going to STEPPING STATE
          return X_STEPS;
      } else {
        // we did not get the step in time, back to STEP_1
        this.state = this.S_STEP_1;
        this.hold_steps = 1;
      return 0;
      case this.S_STEPPING:
      this.hold_steps = 1;
      t = Math.round((getTime() - this.t_prev)*1000);
      //console.log(t + " S_STEPPING");
      this.t_prev = getTime();
      // we got a step within T_MAX_STEP
      if (t <= T_MAX_STEP) {
        this.state = this.S_STEPPING;
        return 1;
      } else {
        // we did not get the step in time, back to STEP_1
        this.state = this.S_STEP_1;
      return 0;
      // should never get here
      return 0;
      STEP_STATE.prototype.get_state = function() {
      switch(this.state) {
      case this.S_STILL: return "S_STILL";
      case this.S_STEP_1: return "S_STEP_1";
      case this.S_STEP_22N: return "S_STEP_22N";
      case this.S_STEPPING: return "S_STEPPING";
      default: return "ERROR";
      let step_machine = new STEP_STATE();
      * standard UI code for the App, not part of the algorithm
      function draw() {
      g.drawString(version + " " + step_machine.get_state() + "  ", 120, 40, true);
      g.drawString("Hold " + step_machine.get_hold_steps() + "  ", 120, 70, true);
      g.drawString("BATT: " + E.getBattery() + "%", 120, 100, true);
      g.drawString("Ps: " + pass_count + "  Rj: " + reject_count, 120, 130, true);
      if (running) {
      g.setColor(0xFFC0); // yellow
      g.drawString("" + step_count, 120, 160, true);
      } else {
      g.drawString("(" + step_count + ") BTN1 to START", 120, 170, true);
      var running = false;
      var t_start = 0;
      function onStartStop() {
      running = !running;
      if (running) {
      step_count = 0; // reset
      t_start = getTime();
      } else {
      Bangle.removeListener('accel', onAccel);
      // handle switch display on by pressing BTN1
      Bangle.on('lcdPower', function(on) {
      if (on) draw();
      // test2 - use these options through a sleep period
      // uncomment the 2 lines below
      running = false;  // will get negated by onStartStop()
      setInterval(draw, 1000); // refresh every second
      // test1 - START / STOP
      // uncomment to experiment using BTN1 for START / STOP
      // running = false;  // will get negated by onStartStop()
      //setWatch(onStartStop, BTN1, {repeat:true,edge:"rising"});

    1 Attachment


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