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  • Had a look at the firmware code and translated it to a javascript version.
    @Gordon - could you give it a quick eyeball to see if I have got it right.

     * javascript version of the Bangle firmware step counter 2v09.90
     * See:­b/master/libs/misc/stepcount.c
    // values for debug plotting
    var lastAccel = 120;      // BLUE    - raw
    var lastAccelFilt = 120;  // GREEN   - filtered
    var lastThresh = 120;     // RED
     * FIR filter designed with
     * sampling frequency: 12.5 Hz
     * fixed point precision: 10 bits
     * 0   Hz - 1.1 Hz,  gain = 0  desired attenuation = -40 dB
     * 1.3 Hz - 2.5 Hz,  gain = 1  desired ripple = 5 dB
     * 2.7 Hz - 6.25 Hz, gain = 0  desired attenuation = -40 dB
    var filter_taps = new Int8Array([ -2, 4, 4, 1, -1, 0, 2, -3, -12, -13, 2, 24, 29, 6, -25, -33, -13, 10, 11, -1, 3, 29, 41, 4, -62, -89, -34, 62, 110, 62, -34, -89, -62, 4, 41, 29, 3, -1, 11, 10, -13, -33, -25, 6, 29, 24, 2, -13, -12, -3, 2, 0, -1, 1, 4, 4, -2 ]);
    // create a history buffer the same lenght as the filter taps array
    var history = new Int8Array(filter_taps.length);
    // value used in the f/m by default
    const stepCounterThreshold = 1000;
    /// has filtered acceleration passed stepCounterThreshold
    var stepWasLow = false;
    const STEPCOUNTERHISTORY = 5;        // keep a history of last 5 steps
    const STEPCOUNTERHISTORY_TIME = 75;  // 6*12.5Hz = 75 values samples ~ 6 seconds
    var stepHistory = new Int16Array(STEPCOUNTERHISTORY);
    var i;
    // initialise the history with values 255 (timedout)
    for (i=0;i<STEPCOUNTERHISTORY;i++)
    // acceleromter operates at 12.5Hz
    function onAccel(a) {
      // scale to fit and clip
      var v = ((a.mag-1)*8192)>>5;
       *  create a new Int8Array from the existing but starting from pos 1 of the existing history
       *  this drops off index 0 and moves everything up, leaving the last entry to be filled
       *  with the new value
      history.set(new Int8Array(history.buffer,1));
      // set last value to the clipped value from the accel
      var raw_clipped = E.clip(v, -128, 127);
      history[history.length-1] = raw_clipped;
      // digital filter, output has to be scaled down as the calculation is integer based, no floating point
      var accFiltered = E.convolve(filter_taps, history, 0) >> 2;
      // increment step count history counters, each slot records how many samples ago the
      // step was from the currently detected step
      for (var i = 0 ;i < STEPCOUNTERHISTORY; i++)
        if (stepHistory[i] < 255)
      // check for steps, a bottom, followed by top threshold crossing = a step
      var hadStep = false;
      if (accFiltered < -stepCounterThreshold) {
        stepWasLow = true;
      } else if ((accFiltered > stepCounterThreshold) && stepWasLow) {
        stepWasLow = false;
        // We now have something resembling a step!
        // Don't register it unless we've already had X steps within Y time period
        if (stepHistory[0] < STEPCOUNTERHISTORY_TIME) {
          hadStep = true;
        // Add it to our history anyway so we can keep track of how many steps we have
        for (i=0;i<STEPCOUNTERHISTORY-1;i++)
          stepHistory[i] = stepHistory[i+1];
        stepHistory[STEPCOUNTERHISTORY-1] = 0;
      // output data
      var n;
      // cyan markers on the edge of the screen mean that we crossed the threshold
      if (accFiltered < -stepCounterThreshold)
      if (accFiltered > stepCounterThreshold)
      // plot raw value BLUE
      n = 120+v;
      lastAccel = n;
      // plot filtered value, in GREEN
      n = 120+(accFiltered>>6);
      lastAccelFilt = n;
      // plot threshold in RED
      n = 120+(stepCounterThreshold>>6);
      lastThresh = n;
      if (hadStep) {

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