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  • I have the GPS setup in SuperE power mode and an update interval of 30

    Thats not how it works. Super-E gives the GPS full control over when it gets updates and there is no control of the frequency of fixes apart from changing the baud rate. But the GPS effectively stays on all the time and sends a fix every 1 second. This should work fine with GPS Recorder.

    The interval time control only applies when using PSMOO mode. It would clash with the the way GPS recorder works as GPS recorder assumed that a fix comes every second and then counts then number of fixes recieved and then logs the next one.

    Just spotted that @Gordon has done a change to GPS recorder.

  • The interval time control only applies when using PSMOO mode

    Thats what I was missing. I think now I understand how it works. Tomorrow I will test the new GPS recorder version in PSMOO mode.

    Thank you very much for the help.


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