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  • Can you post up a snippet of code I can upload to reproduce this? I'm not sure I see how adding manufacturer data can stop advertising...

    You might be able to push enough data that there wasn't enough space for the name, but the Bangle should still be connectable.

  • Ye not sure what led me to think those things. Forget it. But regarding the first 2 lines, How would I clear the manufacturer Data, explicitly?

    NRF.setAdvertising( {} , { manufacturerData: [] } )


  • You might be able to push enough data that there wasn't enough space for the name, but the Bangle should still be connectable.

    Maybe if the nordic uart guid would not fit into advertisement packet the dialog in webide would filter the device out? The service could still be there if connected. Can this happen? If yes, the webide could have some option of showing all BLE devices unfiltered if possible.


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