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  • Hi!

    The License for the apps you submit will be MIT, so basically they're fair game to do whatever anyone wants with.

    Do I just open a PR?

    Yep, that's fine :)

    Do I open an issue first?

    No need. If you're unsure and would like input, you can mark your PR as a 'Draft'

    Do I need to discuss with the original developer or, once their app is added, do they not have any more say than anyone else?

    I think if there's anything that you think might be problematic, I'd ask them.

    Basically if it's a fix or a minor tweak then great, just submit it - but if it's adding a lot of stuff it might be worth poking the original submitted first. Worst case you can just submit it as a different app though :)

    Is it ultimatly down to @Gordon if my changes are approved?

    Yep - for now at least :)


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