Just back from vacation, commands followed up, response:
>reset() =undefined ____ _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| espruino.com 2v12 (c) 2021 G.Williams >setWatch(e=>print(e.state), BTN, {repeat:true,edge:0}) =1 >
Pressing the button every other way did not give any results.
A few weeks ago my bangle.js 2 sometimes did not react on push button, now it completely stopped and it is waiting on a push after I have uploaded an app. I can still access it via webIDE. The following command gives:
(new Pin(BTN1)).read();
=falsewhen pressing. This looks like a hardware issue? Any tips?
Meanwhile how can I start the clock through the webIDE command so i can see the time again? -
nRF toolbox on iPhone SE on 15.1. I used this tool for my bangle.js 1 without issues before. Response and steps to solve as @ajkm has mentioned.
I am in the same situation, also after a firmware update through the firmware app. The firmware update did not work, but after reboot , long press button, it came in this loop. DFU with nRF fails with an error. Button is not stuck because when pressing it, I get the loading===== part. Is it possible to load new firmware via serial?
It is good to know the cable is strait through and will short circuit if the pins are connected to the metal housing. I was there when it happened, the watch was charging at that moment, for the third time. I think it got knocked out of its loading position onto the surrounding housing and I did not notice. I smelt the burning and stopped it on time. The plug is melted, as you can see in the photo. My USB power unit has protection against short circuit, only it delivers 3A, so if it does not go above that when in short circuit due to the resistance of the wiring it will continue to think it is charging and not shutoff. I can measure it once i get a new one. Thanks for the link, if this is the correct charger cable, i will get a few, i also wanted some spare to charge when i forget to take the cable with me. I think a warning this can happen would be good.
My charger cord just got very hot and the connector pins are now melted in the plastic, dont come out with spring any more. Don't know how this happened, maybe shorted out when shifted when charging. I hope it stops charging when this happens. Still works, but only in one position with sticky tape. How can i get a spare one?
@allObjects thanks. nice project! Got it working, beginners error :-) I usually type pieces of code in the left side of WEB IDE for syntax errors, only this does not work for require() and external modules. Once I put it on the right side and uploaded it, it worked, not so hot here 22C (Netherlands). Now adding a PIR and LDR and MOSFET, to make it a smart sensor and dim my LED lights.
Did you get it to work, I tried all options above, also included path like require("http://www.espruino.com/modules/DHT22.js");
still get the error:dht = require("DHT22").connect(D4);
Uncaught Error: Module "DHT22" not found -
The E.reboot() brought the clock back. Still no reaction on the button pressed.