Avatar for ajkm


Member since Dec 2021 • Last active Dec 2022
  • 8 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for ajkm

    Thanks, Gordon.
    Nothing else to report after I spent the time to reconstruct the watch setup. I thought it worth reporting for your data.
    I didn't take any screenshots, and it's all behaving as it should at this point!
    Best wishes for the season - I hope you're taking a break...

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for ajkm

    Same just happened here. I woke this morning to find the Bangle2 on a white screen with a default Anton clock. When I connected to the apps page, it reported that the firmware was 2v11 when I have been running 2v16 since it came out. None of my loaded apps were present.

    I have just spent an hour, reinstalling everything from the firmware up. It seemed like the Bangle2 had gone back to its original status including the Welcome app which I have never had installed since I first wiped it when I received it.

    I really hope this isn't the beginning of the end of the Bangle2- my last Pebble is just on the way out (I only use it as a wake up timer by my bed these days as its battery charge won't keep up for more than a few hours at this point).

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for ajkm

    Well there's that, I suppose!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for ajkm

    Well, I wouldn't go that far - and the number of times I drink in a week, and the number of drinks, can be counted on one hand usually!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for ajkm


  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for ajkm

    I always thought that was an odd app on the Pebble - surely it isn't that hard to remember how many drinks one has had in a week?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for ajkm

    [Update: the deletion and reinstallation seems to have solved this!]

    Thanks, @Gordon.

    Yep, iOS app installed and paired, but I just deleted, reinstalled, forgot, and re-paired, so I'll see how that works out.

    I'll report back.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for ajkm

    Often my Bangle–iPhone BT connection is dropped when I move out of range without both of them with me. That's fine.
    Is there a way for the connection automatically to repair when the two are brought within range again? Currently, they stay disconnected until I physically reconnect them via the iPhone settings.
