Actually I don't own a Pebble, but always thought they looked cool. At the time I looked into them, they were programmed in C and as a C programmer (in my distant past) I decided that C was not the right sort of environment for a hackable watch. Bangle and Javascript are perfect though. I've always loved interpretted languages and development envionments based on interpretters. I'm inspired by the story of the Pebble fan base who simply would not accept that Fitbit was going to kill it and decided to setup enough support for it to continue. My motives for building a couple of Pebble like watches is in the hope of acttracting more Pebble owners to maybe join and support the Bangle JS community. The more developers we have around the more it will accelerate the Bangle and its apps; plus I just wanted to see if I could produce some nice looking watches.
@Gordon - noticed you upgraded the solution to:
for (let wd of WIDGETS) {wd.draw=()=>{};wd.area="";}
This stops the top 24 pixels being cleared every now and again.
I had noticed this sometimes on the Wave Clock and was going to ask you about it.I have added this to my latest pull request for new clock
. -
@ajkm - The FW App on the Apps page was a work in progress last time I tried it. But the change log now says 0.02. I'll give a try now and see if it works.
The FW upgrade process thats been used before the App in the video below:
https://www.espruino.com/Bangle.js2#firmware-updatesUPDATE: Tried the FW Update App and it did not work for me either. I was trying to go from 2.10.241 to 2.10.244. But when I display the firmware version after a reboot it is still 2.10.241.
The firmware does update from 2.10.219, I have updated a couple of times successfully. I think the thread you are referring is a special case.
When you get Bluetooth issues make sure any connection with Gadgetbrige is switched off. Gadgetbrige and connectivity to the IDE and the App loader are incompatible. Once Gadgetbrige has locked onto the bangle it wont allow the IDE to connect.
Just seen this after I uploaded a file to Storage through the IDE.
____ _ | __|___ ___ ___ _ _|_|___ ___ | __|_ -| . | _| | | | | . | |____|___| _|_| |___|_|_|_|___| |_| espruino.com 2v10.241 (c) 2021 G.Williams >jshFlashWrite SPI addr 0x0013c200 failed
Thought I had better report it. Not sure what that is. Just checked that I did not have the IDE Ram/Flash/Storage button set and accidently wrote to flash. All seemed good on next file upload.
It looks like the firmware is corrupted. It is possible to do this if you upload a file to FLASH using the Web IDE. Its a bit too easy to do this. If you can connect through the IDE try typing 'Bangle.factoryReset();' in the left hand side. See what happens. Then try reflashing the latest firmware. To do that you need to be able to get your Bangle to reboot to the DFU screen. Gordon has done a good video on this.
Dont worry - its pretty hard to brick these watches and as long as you can get Bluetooth connectivity you can usually recover them.
@Chasolla - 2.10.241 looks good to me. Less than 100 steps in my sleep.
@Sham1969 - I would concur with your experience.
Things that have stretched it out to 2 weeks for me are.1) Turn wake on twist off - I'm happy to press the button if I want the backlight
2) Turn the LCD brightness down to 0.4
3) Reduce LCD timeout to 5 seconds - this can be a pain if you are slow in the launcher.
4) Make sure Health / Heart rate monitoring is off - even at 10mins it uses a lot of juice.I agree the battery falls off a cliff after 30%. I've powered off twice by running out. I now recharge once I get to 40%.
I had this to start with. But it got solved when I realised as long as the highlighted app is the one I want I can tap anywhere on the screen to open it. My main issue is that sometimes I often overshoot when scrolling, maybe its slightly sensitive. Getting these subtle 'feels like' things 100% unnoticeable is actually quite hard in my experience. Once you dont notice any irritation then the UI is usually really nice to use.
Installed 2.10.241 and it seems to be working fine. I walked downstairs and around a bit and did about 140 steps. I am now showing 672 on the pedometer widget. Out of interest how are you displaying steps. I use the large digits setting for the widget. Can you send a Screenshot of what you are looking at. Connect through the ide and type
in the left hand window. Then click on the image to download.
Have you installed the pedometer widget? I don't think I have that setup as a dependancy yet in apps.json so it may not be installed. Here's it working on mine. If it shows ???? for steps its because you don't have the pedometer widget installed.