Member since Aug 2015 • Last active Dec 2017Most recent activity
i couldn't work further until now - we got a new family member - a daughter :-)
i would like to take a look into
If you're happy to play around in C, another option might be to add
antialiasing to the existing Graphics library? You could then use the
vector fonts?after some hours of Google "research" i did not found resources to start into programming (or better understanding) anti-aliased vector fonts
do you have any hints where to start?
one interesting part is the parts list, maybe you could use such lists and affiliate links (amazon is not the cheapest for electronic parts though, are there other partner programs e.g. with uk based electronic shops?) or link e.g. to your tindie store
a cool thing could be, code and schematic side by side view, where hovering over a connected espruino pin highlights the pin on the code side, i will try that out (should be easy, it's SVG and some javascript)
If you control-click the wires (i think?) and drag, you can make them
curvedwill try that, but for me nice diagrams work better without curved wire connections
@allObjects if you looking for low power displays (but usable for faster refresh cycles) take a look at sharp memory lcd
thanks for all the help
@allObjects the example with modules looks like a good way to provide the function for all Espruino users, i will look into that (combined with that base64 hint from @Gordon)
sry i did only now see the question (is it possible to subscribe to specific topics here?)
i will test it soon, but it should work out of the box
can you point to the specific mapping problem?