Avatar for Cthulhu


Member since Feb 2022 • Last active May 2023
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Cthulhu

    Awesome, thank you!
    I've installed it and enabled logging. Hopefully I'll find the culprit. 🤞

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Cthulhu

    I backed Bangle.js 2 on Kickstarter a year ago as it really seemed like the perfect smartwatch for me. Unfortunately it hasn't as smooth an experience as I had hoped. Partly because my Android phone is locked down by my employer making me unable to use the "regular" version of Gadgetbridge. Instead I'm forced to use the version Gordon has so kindly made available on Play store (thank you! 🙏). It took a bit of waiting, but that was fine. Unfortunately I cannot install any GB plugins. But thanks to the great Bangle app devs, that isn't much of an issue either as there are watch apps the get location and weather data to the Bangle.
    So that's a minor hassle I can live with. A more serious issue, making it hard for me to love my Bangle as much as I would like, is the random freezes and battery drains I experience. I've had this issue for several months. I have tried factory resetting, running with an absolute minimum amount of apps. Still the issue seem to persist. The last week the issue has intensified to the point where I can no longer rely on my Bangle for notifications, as it might drain itself flat before I notice it has locked up again. It will completely freeze, stop updating the watchface and just drain the battery. At some point I notice the clock being way off (hours) and requiring a hard reboot.
    How can I debug this issue, as I cannot connect to the web IDE without rebooting and thus removing the issue and thereby the possibility to debug it?
    Since I cannot update firmware through GB, but have to use the DFU updater, I suspect something has gone wrong with my Bangle. Could it be the flash storage that has become corrupted? I have tried clearing storage too, but that hasn't helped either.
    What should I do to figure out what is draining my battery?
    Thanks in advance and for all your hard work on this wonderful project.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Cthulhu

    Hi there

    I've been fighting battery drain issues on my kickstarter Bangle for the last couple of months. I've tried factory resetting multiple times and only installing a minimum amount of apps. But so far to avail. It's gotten so bad that the watch will lock up and drain the battery in a matter of hours.
    My storage got corrupted some months ago and I suspect that's when my issue started. I cannot upgrade firmware through Gadgetbridge as the upload always stops at 5-10%, so I use the DFU for upgrading.
    I've had to resurrect my old Pebble, as I've missed multiple important notifications.
    I will dive into some debugging when time allows it. Perhaps your work will help.
    Here's the battery graph from when I last used my Bangle.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Cthulhu

    OWM Weather works again with Gadgetbridge 0.70.0. :-)

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Cthulhu

    Awesome, thanks. Looking forward to it. :o)

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Cthulhu

    I can download it just fine, but due to having a locked-down company phone, I cannot sideload apps. :(

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Cthulhu

    Ok, great. Thanks for the super quick reply. :)
    I'll patiently wait for a new GadgetBridge release.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Cthulhu

    OWMWeather has worked great for me up until a few weeks ago, when it started throwing an error.
    I don't know if it could be related to an Android or GadgetBridge update.
    I've tried resetting settings, but it didn't help.
    The error happens when I go to Settings -> Apps -> OWM Weather -> Force refresh
    Any ideas?
