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Member since Sep 2021 • Last active Feb 2024
  • 4 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Akisame

    upgrading to 2v21 was painless. No issues.
    Maybe something went wrong during flashing of the 2V20.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Akisame

    Hi Gordon,
    I did a fresh factory reset after downgrading to 2V19 so everything is freshly installed from the app store with minify apps turned off. My main issue was weird behaviour I described above with the launcher not working and the Anton clock acting like an app instead of a watchface. Maybe something weird happened during flashing but the checksum was okay so I am not sure what happened.
    I'll do an upgrade to 2v21 now and let you know.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Akisame

    I've just upgraded from version 2V18 and I've had a lot of issues with 2V20.
    First I had to do a factory reset to get it to work after updating as the app manager couldn't communicate with the watch anymore.
    After the factory reset I can't seem to access the launcher at all (Anton clock) and the clock widget showed up that shows up when you run an app. Strange stuff.
    So I've downgraded to 2V19 and did another factory reset and stuff seems to work again.
    Not sure what changed in 2V20 but somethings are really messed up.
    Anyone else have similar issues?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Akisame

    That is because I haven't had the time to make it fully functional yet.
    In 1.5 months (when I'm done with my phd) I'll have time to finish this and combine it with the cards app.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Akisame

    @glemco thank you. I don't have much free time but I'll have a look when I have time.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Akisame

    I was actually not aware of the Cards app. Yeah, would be cool to have it all in one place.
    @glemco 's code seems to follow similar principles. I take a bit more advantage of the checksum for error checking, thus allowing for "bad" scaling but otherwise pretty similar.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Akisame

    Okay. I had a bit of time today so I added the code 128 support.
    You can find the code here: https://github.com/Akisame-AI/Bangle-js-2-Barcode
    Next time I have some time to kill I'll create a settings page where you can add your barcodes.
    support Bangle 1
    Make it actually usable (allow switching of barcodes)
    Settings page
    Scaling of everything
    Display name of barcodes

    The code is a bit long (12.8 kb, 295 lines of code) and can probably be optimized further.
    For Code-128 the max length varies based on how many times you switch between codeset. If you only use numbers you can fit 24 characters (since every 2 numbers is 1 set), If you only use letters and symbols you can fit 12 characters. Every switch between the two codesets will cost you a character. If you go below 4 sets (so 8 numbers or 4 characters) it will automatically scale up.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Akisame

    @MaBe yeah, EAN is actually quite clever in its error correction with the L, G and R encoding.
    The barcodes used differs per country. In Europe you need EAN-13, EAN-8, code 39, code 128 or a QR code. In my and my wife's wallet I found mainly code 128 and EAN-13 cards.
    Code 128 and 39 are usually only numbers with rarely an asterisk symbol in there so the look up table should be doable. Still big though with 106 unique items.
    Longest code 128 I was able to find was 19 characters in 128C. That should fit on the bangle 2 but it will be small as there isn't any option to scale it
    The smallest code 128 I found is 11 symbols and can also not be scaled.
    Hmm. I will have to do a field test to see if the scanners are able to scan these tiny code 128 barcodes.
    If they can then there's no issue.
