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I can confirm that the red led was lit all the time when in bootloader mode. I still couldn't see it via nRF Connect.
I failed to connect via the serial console on either board - due to my poor attempts at wiring and not wanting to make a mistake and damage the board(s).
I couldn't see anything different between the working board and the bad board but have uploaded three files:
1) good puck left - bad puck right.jpg.
2) bad puck - side view.jpg
3) bad puck - top view.jpg. (different lighting conditions). -
I have two pucks. I can connect to one with nRF Connect, send commands to it with both nRF UART and with the new Droidscript Puck plug-in on my Android phone. The other one flashes the RED Led on power up and will run through the self test ok, but I cannot pick it up via a Bluetooth scan or otherwise communicate with it. I have tried swapping the batteries over with no success. Are there any other tests or actions I can carry out?
The puck is in the post. I appreciate that you're about to start your Christmas break so I will wait until January for the replacement.
Thank you for your help.