• #2
@user136447 Hey! Thanks for sharing!
• #3
Also wondering if there are alternatives charging cable for the first model of Bangle.js?
• #4
I didn't look for Bangle 1 cables. I would think they would be available.
Can you check and post back for other interested Bangle users?
• #5
Well, at the moment I have already ordered additional cables from Gordon :) But if someone finds alternatives it would be great!
• #6
You can DIY a cable yourself with some pogo pins :) The one I did wasn't magnetic so I had to spend half an hour just pressing down on the pogo and the watch, but it shouldn't be that complicated to create a harness that can clamp down on both the watch and the pins.
• #7
I needed this too so here is a link to German Amazon if anyone needs it
• #8
Thanks! I'll get them in the store soon but I'll link to those cables from the Bangle.js 2 page anyway - I think for many it'll be easier/faster/cheaper to use a cable on Amazon in your country than to have one shipped from the UK :)
• #9
I lost my Bangle.JS 2 cable. The two Amazon links are unavailable in Spain (and elsewhere, I think). Shipping to Spain is quite steep, so I'm wondering if there's some way to check if any of those:
https://www.amazon.es/Aliwisdom-Inteligente-Accesorios-Smartwatch-Compatible/dp/B0CHM4CJJR/Is safe for use with a Bangle.JS 2?
(Or any other way to get a cable in Spain.)
• #10
It's hard to know without getting them, but I guess from Amazon you could order one, check that GND and 5v are in the positions as shown on https://www.espruino.com/Bangle.js2+Technical#swd with a multimeter, and return it if they're not?
But you wouldn't want to just connect one without checking as that could break the Bangle.js...
• #11
Oh, I have a multimeter. I'm just scared of electronics, but I'll think I'll try it out.
Just 10 minutes ago, I charged my self-cleaning bottle and realized their charging cable fits too (tested it while unplugged).
I'll test the cable I have and maybe experiment with what's on Amazon- having more cables would be handy.
• #12
They have pinout here https://www.walmart.com/ip/USB-Smart-Watch-Charging-Cable-Magnetic-Adsorption-Cable-for-GT88-K88h-KW08-White/5626620486
https://i5.walmartimages.com/asr/d7694e4c-f280-4f1e-9c6e-155649efa41c.7f3ae674814698301a7f3fdc5edaf3e3.jpeg?odnHeight=2000&odnWidth=2000&odnBg=FFFFFFbut it also depend on the magnets - if the correct way would not attract it needs magnets swapped/turned
EDIT: here they also have dimensions and magnet poles
https://ae04.alicdn.com/kf/Hf7a8220b6bf347bbb7c93a3ccead6139a.jpgBTW and they also list it is compatible with "for SMA-Q2, for SMA-ROUND,for SMA-09,for SMA-09S" so not SMA-Q3 but chance is high.
• #13
For posterity, I charged my Bangle.JS 2 with:
, which shared one compatible watch model with the other cables listed here, and it seems to be fine.
I located an alternative source for the BangleJS charging cable: Amazon.
There are other sources out there too, I used Google Search Term of "bangle2 charging cable". I chose
Amazon (rather than the raft o' Chinese sources) due to the free shipping and also 'cuz I trust
Amazon to allow returns if things don't work out.
Charging Cable for Bluetooth Smart Watches (4 pin)
Cost is $8.99, I have Amazon Prime so I didn't pay shipping. I got it within 2 days (ordered last Wednesday, arrived Friday).
I checked with Gordon (maker/designer of the watch) and asked him before posting this.
He himself hasn't verified that it works, but I recharged my BangleJS2 yesterday.
I explicitly asked him if it was ok to post this since it means people may not order the cable from him, and his response was:
Thanks Gordon! Really reflects a person who's got the true Open Source spirit!