On the charger front, I'm surprised you're having issues with it coming off - someone else complained recently, but until that point I hadn't really heard of anyone having issues
I have never complained because it is something that I can live with (and nothing you can done to fix it). But the connector is very bad: the connector in the watch side is not recessed, the magnets are too weak and the connector too tall. The connector twists and stops making connection with just a gentle movement of the cable or the watch. A USB-C is my ideal option, but it would take a lot of internal space.
Glad you got it sorted! As others have said, anything you think we can add to help new users would be great.
I don't know if maybe there's a way to have https://banglejs.com/apps/ point users at https://banglejs.com/start2 first time around, but it might just annoy people.
Either way, if you go to https://banglejs.com/apps/ and click 'Connect' on an unsupported browser, it should display a dialog which then points you to https://www.espruino.com/Quick+Start+BLE#with-web-bluetooth with instructions for enabling Web Bluetooth?
On the charger front, I'm surprised you're having issues with it coming off - someone else complained recently, but until that point I hadn't really heard of anyone having issues (and I use just a bare cable most of the time here)... As others mentioned there is the charge cradle (and if you have access to a 3D printer there are a few printable options on Thingiverse as well).