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  • Glad you got it sorted! As others have said, anything you think we can add to help new users would be great.

    I don't know if maybe there's a way to have point users at first time around, but it might just annoy people.

    Either way, if you go to and click 'Connect' on an unsupported browser, it should display a dialog which then points you toĀ­#with-web-bluetooth with instructions for enabling Web Bluetooth?

    On the charger front, I'm surprised you're having issues with it coming off - someone else complained recently, but until that point I hadn't really heard of anyone having issues (and I use just a bare cable most of the time here)... As others mentioned there is the charge cradle (and if you have access to a 3D printer there are a few printable options on Thingiverse as well).

  • On the charger front, I'm surprised you're having issues with it coming off - someone else complained recently, but until that point I hadn't really heard of anyone having issues

    I have never complained because it is something that I can live with (and nothing you can done to fix it). But the connector is very bad: the connector in the watch side is not recessed, the magnets are too weak and the connector too tall. The connector twists and stops making connection with just a gentle movement of the cable or the watch. A USB-C is my ideal option, but it would take a lot of internal space.


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