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  • Ok, if you install the latest circlesclock from the development app loader at

    Then I believe the heart rate monitor should be fixed. It will however be running all the time the circlesclock is showing (with a heart rate circle). Hopefully power draw won't actually be that large now though.

    The tap-to-activate idea was good though, and maybe that should be re-introduced in the clock_info library. You can now tap on an item to select it, then swipe up and down to change (more info in the README).

    What happened was circlesclock got moved over to using something new called clock_info so that it could display a whole bunch of extra stuff:­Info

    ... but that change left all the old code in there, and it seems it also broke anything that should auto-update (like heart rate, altitude, etc). I've fixed it - but it's taken ages and I imagine someone will probably complain that some feature is now missing.

  • Just getting started and I'm using most of these features of circles clock, and most of them seem to work!

    However, I can't seem to get it to display when my next set alarm is. Cycling through the circles doesn't even provide the alarm option. Possible it got broken with the move, or it's certainly possible to be user error!


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