Yeah I was watching this from the accelrec, but I didn't find any documentation about the options and what to write.
Bangle.accelWr(0x18,0b01110100); // off, +-8g Bangle.accelWr(0x1B,0x03 | 0x40); // 100hz output, ODR/2 filter Bangle.accelWr(0x18,0b11110100); // +-8g
What happens in here?
First you turn 8g off?
Set the update ratio to 100 hz with 0x03? How can I set it to 50 or 30 hz?
What is ODR/2 filter. Di didn't find anything about this topic.
And then in the end you turn 8g back?update: reading from the datapage, I can see why you have to turn the acceleration on and off and what are the update options.
But still don't understand the '(0x1B,0x03 | 0x40)' part, what happens in here?
The app does a bit more than changing just the poll interval.
The poll interval is the rate the accelerometer is checked for new data - but the accelerometer is only recording at 12.5Hz by fault anyway - it needs configuring to output data faster using
like the app does.