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  • This has come up a few time, and one potential option is to just resurrect the original version of the BT HRM app, which didn't have all the features, but was pretty lightweight. That was originally made for Bangle.js 1 IIRC so it should work ok.

    I've just done this and you should be able to try it out in the dev app loader at­d=bthrmlite

    I imagine there are bugfixes and other stuff that aren't in it though. It works for me, but it may not function on your heart rate monitor I guess

  • I've just done this and you should be able to try it out in the dev app loader at >­d=bthrmlite


    I imagine there are bugfixes and other stuff that aren't in it though. It works for me, but it >may not function on your heart rate monitor I guess

    It worked perfectly with my BLE heart rate sensor, I dunno what would happen having additional sensors close and active. I can investigate further and try to improve a bit


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