• There were a few posts about this (buried in this thread)

    The current status is this:

    • I've opened a PR for F-Droid.
    • Building the Bangle.js flavored apk for F-Droid works fine
    • The Gadgetbridge repo needs some changes to make F-Droid find the correct metadata (description/title/etc), which this PR adds
    • F-Droid looks (I think...) at the latest release, so won't pick up those changes until Gadgetbridge tags a new version.

    So these things should hopefully happen Soonish:

    1. Merging of the Gadgetbridge PR
    2. New Gadgetbridge release (after which F-Droid should find the updated metadata)
    3. Merging of the F-Droid PR
    4. Bangle.js flavored Gadgetbridge available in F-Droid store!

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