• I always had the idea to bring the OneDollar.js recognizer to the Bangle.js

    That's what's already running on it :)

    This is the example code I had:

    Bangle.strokes = {
      up : Unistroke.new( new Uint8Array([57, 151, 57, 147, 58, 136, 61, 119, 65, 102, 70, 88, 74, 78, 80, 71, 86, 70, 94, 72, 107, 79, 129, 97, 140, 110, 147, 120, 152, 127, 156, 134, 158, 137])),
      cw : Unistroke.new(new Uint8Array([91, 60, 93, 60, 98, 60, 108, 60, 121, 61, 131, 64, 137, 70, 139, 81, 139, 96, 135, 111, 128, 126, 119, 136, 108, 140, 97, 141, 86, 139, 75, 134, 70, 126, 66, 115, 64, 100, 65, 88, 69, 78, 75, 71, 81, 67, 84, 63])
     ccw : Unistroke.new(new Uint8Array([114, 71, 112, 71, 108, 71, 102, 71, 93, 72, 82, 76, 71, 81, 62, 88, 56, 97, 53, 107, 54, 116, 59, 127, 70, 137, 86, 142, 103, 145, 115, 144, 124, 143, 131, 136, 135, 122, 131, 99, 124, 83, 115, 72])
     alpha : Unistroke.new(new Uint8Array([161, 55, 160, 58, 158, 62, 155, 71, 149, 81, 141, 97, 132, 114, 119, 129, 107, 140, 96, 147, 86, 151, 77, 154, 69, 153, 59, 149, 49, 143, 40, 133, 31, 117, 28, 104, 27, 90, 28, 78, 34, 71, 44, 69, 60, 72, 84, 84, 111, 107, 132, 128, 146, 144, 154, 155, 159, 161])),
     right : Unistroke.new(new Uint8Array([49, 52, 54, 52, 68, 57, 90, 65, 114, 76, 134, 84, 148, 91, 157, 95, 163, 98, 167, 100, 169, 102, 168, 105, 163, 114, 147, 126, 127, 137, 107, 147, 94, 152, 82, 156, 72, 159])),
    double : Unistroke.new(new Uint8Array([75, 61, 87, 61, 117, 68, 142, 85, 147, 111, 129, 134, 92, 140, 59, 133, 45, 116, 50, 89, 86, 72, 128, 88, 138, 121, 108, 138, 68, 129, 56, 104, 57, 90]))
      if (o.stroke) g.setFont("12x20").setFontAlign(0,0).dra­wString(o.stroke, 88,165);

    As long as you have reasonably clear, differentiable strokes it seems quite good. And yes, palm graffiti should be possible - I was just a little bit iffy about it as there were patents, but I think they have all run out now.

  • Good to know!

    As far as I remember, there somewhere was an alternative set of strokes - perhaps, just because of patent issues.

    Let me see if I can find that again.
