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  • Eep - I didn't know that. They shouldn't be in the app really - info files are created by the app loader, and having them uploaded by the app may break things in the app loader itself.

    Why would these files have been created in the first place?

    I think I was talking to the author via GitHub last week (I can't find the conversation now). But they added the apps inside the single clock because they didn't like the way it took around 1 second to switch apps and they wanted to load them faster by loading without going through Bangle.js.

    However looking at the code, that's exactly what they are doing (using load) so there is absolutely no reason why they couldn't all be separate apps - the load time is identical.

  • I think I was talking to the author via GitHub last week (I can't find the conversation now). But they added the apps inside the single clock because they didn't like the way it took around 1 second to switch apps and they wanted to load them faster by loading without going through Bangle.js.

    FYI: We talked about those loading times, but that was about the calendar (and soon music control) feature of Clockcal


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