• This looks like a problem with your apps.json entry.
    I cant see any entries for this puzzle.

    For everything to work properly

    1) code should be in Bangle/apps/myapp/app.js
    2) In apps.json the id should be myapp and match the subdirectory name

        "id": "myapp",   // this MUST match your Bangle/apps/myapp directory
        "name": "Can be any old name",
        "shortName": "keep its short as it appears in menus, this is too long",
        "version": "0.01",
        // etc

    When I go to your App loader and click on the link to the source code , I get a 404. This is due to some mismatch between the app id, the apps.json entry and the sub-directory where you checked in the code.

  • You are right, id and directory name must match. Also, in the storage section, the name entries for the app's files must match the myapp.(app|settings|…).(js|…) pattern. But the local names of the files, which are referenced in the url property of the storage entries, can be arbitrary. In the official app loader, <appname>.app.js and app.js are both used. After testing around, I decided to stick with the long version even within the app loader.

    The 404 is also gone, I've changed the branch name template in loader.js to match the setup of my app loader.


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