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  • The problem is the majority of apps expect text to be a certain size so you can't just increase it globally.

    However we are slowly adding functionality to different apps. For example I just merged some new Launcher changes that allow you to scale up text there, and you can now install a new app that changes the built-in menus to a different style with much larger text too

  • @Gordon - I like what you have done with the default launcher. Having a Menu Font setting for things like Messages, Settings and the default Launcher definitely the way to go. Desktop is my
    personal favourite launcher for the B2. Would be good if the Vector font could go up to 38 or 30. Seems limited to stop at 20 when there is a built in 12x20 font, obviously it will have to work with the other limitions the apps / screenspace.

  • Good point. Will test and pull request changes. I mainly thought of people scaling down to fit more on the screen. I'll see how far I can push it without breaking anything.
    At the moment it scales the logo and space around the text in line with the font. I wonder if this could be done better.

    Edit: just tested anything over 24/25 and everything is getting pushed off the screen to right due to the scaled up image. Perhaps a cap on how big the image can get or even a toggle to display them or not?
    Another idea would be to marquee text which spans further than the display width (further edit: this would look terrible a menu full of sideways scrolling text. This is why you shouldn't work on things at 4am)


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