• If you can find some Windows 10 compatible drivers for the CSR dongle, that would be ideal as it'd mean that when Web Bluetooth finally makes its way into Chrome, it'd work for you fine. However it might be that your computer already has built-in non-BLE Bluetooth, and that's what Windows is using instead of your CSR adaptor. I guess you may have to disable the built-in bluetooth adaptor to make it work.

    If you don't want to mess with your internal Bluetooth then I'd suggest my original instructions. @OwenBrotherwood they may not work with your Intel card, but the Zadig instructions should definitely work with @Icarus's external CSR Bluetooth dongle.

    So, for @Icarus:

    • Remove CSR's tools and drivers from your computer
    • Run Zadig, Options->List All Devices, choose the CSR BLE adaptor, and make sure WinUSB is the driver.
    • Run the native Web IDE - and hopefully you'll be able to see and connect to Puck.js

    If it doesn't work, please go to settings in the Web IDE (top right), click console, and copy/paste what it says here so we can see if there are any errors.

    @OwenBrotherwood if you're willing to mess around with the internal of the noble library, there are a bunch of USB PID/VIDs in there - you might find that by adding your Intel adaptor into that list you can make it work - if so it'd make a good pull request for Noble


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