• #2
Hmm. forum upload troubles...
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• #3
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• #4
The battery is soldered on :)
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• #5
3 wires for SWD
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• #6
And you have Espruno on it - it took a while to get the OLED going, but it does say
in this picture, although I didn't focus properly :)The watch itself new appears as a BLE UART device, and you can program it through the Web IDE (at least on Chromebook or Android phones).
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• #7
Rough info so far:
CPU: https://infocenter.nordicsemi.com/topic/com.nordic.infocenter.pdf.ps/nRF51822_PS_v3.1.pdf
Accelerometer: http://kionixfs.kionix.com/cn/datasheet/KX022-1020%20Specifications%20Rev4.0%20cn.pdf
0.49" OLED - SSD1306 - http://www.buydisplay.com/download/manual/ER-OLED0.49-1_Series_Datasheet.pdf (but not that pinout)Name Pins Notes RX pad P0.17 ? TX pad P0.18 CLK pad SWDIO DIA pad SWDCLK 32k osc? P0.26, P0-27 Not fitted Vibrate P0.07 via some FET/transistor Button P0.04 Needs input_pullup Accelerometer P0.10-16? Kionix kx022-1020 P0.16 clk P0.15 short pulses? irq? P0.14 data OLED SSD1306 64x32 P0.29 MOSI P0.30 SCK P0.0 DC P0.1 RST P0.2 CS Test code - there's very little program space at the moment:
var BTN = D4; pinMode(BTN,"input_pullup"); var initCmds = new Uint8Array([ 0xAe, 0xD5, 0x80, 0xA8, 31, 0xD3,0x0, 0x40, 0x8D, 0x14, 0x20,0x0, 0xA1, 0xC8, 0xDA, 0x12, 0x81, 0xCF, 0xD9, 0xF1, 0xDb, 0x40, 0xA4, 0xA6, 0xAf ]); var flipCmds = [ 0x21, 0, 63, 0x22, 0, 7]; var dc = D0; var rst = D1; var cs = D2; var g = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(63,31,1,{vertical_byte : true}); var spi = new SPI(); spi.setup({mosi: 29 /* D1 */, sck:30 /* D0 */}); digitalPulse(rst,0,10); setTimeout(function() { digitalWrite(cs,0); digitalWrite(dc,0); // command spi.write(initCmds); digitalWrite(dc,1); // data digitalWrite(cs,10); }, 50); g.flip = function() { cs.reset();dc.reset(); spi.write([0x21,0,127,0x22,0,7]); for (var i=0;i<4;i++) { spi.write(0xb0+i,0x00,0x12); dc.set(); spi.write(Uint8Array(this.buffer,64*i,64)); dc.reset(); }cs.set(); }; //function cmd(c){cs.reset();dc.reset();spi.write(c);cs.set();} //function dispoff(){cmd(0xae);} //function dispon(){cmd(0xaf);} g.drawString("Hello",0,0); g.drawString("ESPRUINO",10,10); g.flip();
• #8
My attempts at tracing the PCB. Still don't know exactly where the accelerometer connects, but at least I have some ideas based on poking around on the 'live' watch.
edit: right-click, open image in new tab :)
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• #9
It was programmed using OpenOCD - I messed up though and didn't manage to save the contents of the existing firmware!
Next steps, when I get time:
- Move the OLED driver into C code, save some Flash by removing the arraybuffer graphics
- Figure out how to use the over the air updates - I can't keep dismantling it every time I need to update the firmware :)
- Turn it back into a watch!
- Work out how the accelerometer is connected
- Move the OLED driver into C code, save some Flash by removing the arraybuffer graphics
• #10
If you want some kind of wireless sensor then you could do a lot worse than this...
- Rechargeable, with proper charger
- Bluetooth Low Energy
- Vibrate
- Screen
- Button
- Accelerometer
- 2x pads on the back that are just general purpose IO
- 2x pads on one side that are general purpose IO too (probably meant for a 32k crystal)
- Rechargeable, with proper charger
• #11
This looks amazing. Will be following progress!
• #12
Latest firmware, kind of watch-like:
var initCmds = new Uint8Array([ 0xAe,0xD5, 0x80, 0xA8, 31,0xD3,0x0, 0x40,0x8D,0x14,0x20,0x01, 0xA1, 0xC8,0xDA,0x12,0x81,0xCF, 0xD9,0xF1,0xDb,0x40,0xA4, 0xA6,0xAf ]); var dc = D0; var cs = D2; var g = Graphics.createArrayBuffer(63,15,1,{vertical_byte : true}); var spi = new SPI(); spi.setup({mosi: 29 /* D1 */, sck:30 /* D0 */}); digitalPulse(D1,0,10);//rst cs.reset();dc.reset();spi.write(initCmds);delete initCmds;cs.set(); g.flip = function() { cs.reset();dc.reset();spi.write([0x21,0,127,0x22,0,7]);for (var i=0;i<4;i++) {spi.write(0xb0+i,0x00,0x12);dc.set();spi.write(Uint8Array(this.buffer,64*i,64));dc.reset();}cs.set();}; var n=0; function onSec() { var d=new Date();g.clear();g.drawString(d.getHours()+":"+d.getMinutes()+"."+d.getSeconds());g.flip();if (n++>10) {spi.write(0xae,cs);clearInterval();} } pinMode(D4,"input_pullup"); setWatch("clearInterval();setInterval(onSec,1000);n=0;spi.write(0xaf,cs);",D4,{edge:"falling",repeat:true});
Turns out 200 variables really isn't very much!
• #13
Looks very interesting! After my hacking with the Adafruit board last week I finally managed to get around to the unrelated stuff I was supposed to be working on. One ebay order later and you have managed to distract me a little bit more :-)
What do you use with openocd to program it? I'm a bit tempted to order one of the STM32 discovery boards with STLink on it, which I think should work..it's easier to attach to that than the JLink Lite I was using previously.
• #14
Yes, I just used an STM32F4Discovery board. You just pull 2 jumpers off, then it's 2 wires and ground. OpenOCD seems a bit crazy though - I ended up trying to dig the relevant command-line out of Adafruit's tools.
• #15
nRF51822 (via micro:bit) - just as some STMs - as Espruino / Javascript enabler / platform... really cool.
• #16
very cool!
• #17
Very interested in this!
• #18
Does this have any feedback other than the display? E.g. a buzzer, LED or vibration?
Edit: Read it has vibration, awesome.
• #19
Aaargh! I ordered one and it is the wrong thing!
It looks exactly the same as the one you have - same bracelet, case and charger. However the insides are different. It looks as though it has an LCD screen with a backlight rather than OLED screen and the chip inside is marked CC2541. This could be a TI chip with an 8051 processor, assuming it isn't a clone!
It has "xianwei" and v3 written on the PCB, along with 2015.12.17 which I guess is a surprisingly recent manufacturing date. There is also a swoosh logo on the PCB which reminds me of a certain other sports manufacturer.....
It's really interesting to do a search on alibaba.com for "smart bracelet nrf51822". There appear to be loads of identical looking products from different manufacturers. Some claim to use nrf51822, others a dialog semiconductor part, and I guess this one has a TI part. I'm not sure what it says that there are so many different companies making identical looking but different products. Now how to find the correct one on eBay...
• #20
Argh, sorry about that. I'd kind of assumed that all the ones that looked like that were the same too.
If it helps, this is the exact eBay listing that I bought mine from
• #21
No need to apologise - and thanks for the link. This device uses the Nordic Bluetooth service UUID and shares an app even though it doesn't have a Nordic chip in. I find it fascinating that there appear to be a few companies making identical looking devices but with different insides, yet which share the same Android app.
• #22
Yes - especially as the CC2541 has half the amount of RAM!
• #23
This is funny! I've got the version with the cpu from Dialog semiconductor: DA14580 (50k RAM).
- Can I determine whether they use flash or otp?
- I cannot recognise the acceleration chip. @Gordon I couldn't see the kx022 on your pictures?
- Would it be possible to port Espruino to the Dialog cpu (Cortex M0)?
- Can I determine whether they use flash or otp?
• #25
@luwar wow, 50k? Sounds like an interesting chip.
- It's almost certainly flash... I'm not sure anyone really uses OTP any more
- The accelerometer is the tiny black thing on the opposite side of the chip to the crystal. I didn't check it was the kx022 yet, but I imagine it is.
- I'm sure you could port Espruino to it, but it could be quite a lot of work. Generally it's not hard to get Espruino running with a serial terminal, but it'd take weeks to get it working with I2c, SPI, timers, etc, and then weeks more for Bluetooth :(
@Ducky damn, that's bad news. Can you post up a link to the different one? It'd be good if we could figure out if there was any obvious difference from the outside.
- It's almost certainly flash... I'm not sure anyone really uses OTP any more
I got distracted today... There are these 'smart' watches on eBay right now called iDO / DO 003. If you look on eBay for 'fitness watch' and then find ones that look similar, you'll see you can get them for under £10 in the UK, including postage.
They're wireless, with the same nRF51822 chip in as the micro:bit (which I now have Espruino running on) - which got me thinking....
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