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  • @allObjects, I think @tve is talking about uploading a program via WiFi. To do that, Espruino needs WiFI credentials built into it - it's no good if they disappear when you reset() the board because then you won't be able to program it again.

    @tve I'm not quite sure I understand. You can use things like jspCallFunction to call into JS pretty easily as-is - I'm not sure what else apart from the network (which is sorted) would be needed.

    As far as the WiFi terminal, I added some notes here about it. I think C is sensible for that - actually getting it running should be relatively straightforward.

    It'd be nice if the firmware (as flashed) put the ESP8266 into AP mode with a Telnet server running. Hopefully we could tweak the socketserver code such that the server would survive a soft reset().


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