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  • Hi everyone,

    Fancy a free trip to Maker Faire Rome (if you're in the EU)?

    ST are running a competition here:­0762

    Basically you have to use one of their Nucleo or Discovery boards, but it can be running Espruino. So the Nucleo F401, F411, and the STM32F4Discovery would all be good choices.

    If you have a project that you've done with an ST Nucleo/discovery board you could submit it as-is... Otherwise if you've done it with an Espruino board there's a good chance you could get one of the above discovery boards (they're cheap), put Espruino on it and port your project to it.

    I wouldn't normally plug the ST demo boards because I like people to buy the Espruino ones - but in this case ST are paying for me to come to Maker Faire Rome too :) I have it on good authority they haven't had many submissions yet, and they like things that light up and/or move.


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