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Member since May 2015 • Last active Jun 2015
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    Right, I checked my Chromium version, it's v22, which is from 2012 - very old!

    I've played with the extention manifest, and it is the permissions line that is causing issues. Looking here, file system premissions were added in v23. With that removed I still can not get it to work (clicking on the WebIDE icon does nothing), and there are warnings in the Extentions tab (it doesn't recognise the keys short_name and url_handlers).

    Thanks @Gordon - As this looks like a dead end and the version is so old, I really don't think anyone should waste any more time on this. And thanks for pointing me towards the manifest - I've learnt something about extentions! And I'll definitely look at the audio hack - I did see that somewhere else too and was very intrigued.

    @allObjects - I managed to have a play on my work laptop, and realised at once that the blockly code doesn't reflect the code in the editor. Thanks for the up-arrow tip - that saves me having to transfer the file back to see the code!

    And yes, I've played with the sandbox before, but... I need to change the screen resolution, and that icon doesn't belong here. Why are all those photos on the desktop? Why is that plugged into that usb port? I can fix that with a script. Why is that so slow loading? How much memory is in there? That fan is very loud...

    ::Suddenly the screen goes blank::

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    Thanks for replying - sorry, once again been busy this week!

    @DrAzzy - TBH, I could use my wife's PC, but only when she's out as I tend to experiment and break things, and she has a dissertation due in soon!

    @Gordon - I'm not at home right now to get the exact version, but I did apt-get install chromium and it reported it's the latest revision. Entirely possible the Raspbian repo is a bit behind - especially as I think Chromium is a little heavy on the Pi's resources therefore not a priority.

    I really would like the block editor (so I don't have to look up how loops are structured every time I want to use one!) - I'll find the Chromium version on the Pi, check up on any differences Raspbian may make, and also consider buying a new PC! Actually, I could have used one a few months ago for some VM testing...

    I am still confused by the permission value error - guess it could be down to webcam access...?

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    Hi all,

    I got my pico last week (thanks Gordon!)- didn't have any time last week so only just plugged it in. I immediately went and tried to install the webide, but for some reason it's not available for Chromium. I then went to github and downloaded the source to manually install, and got "invalid value for permission[2]".

    Am i missing something, or should it just work?

    I'm using a raspberry pi as my development platform (got rid of all my pc's lately) - would that have anything to do with it?

    It's not a big issue, but as I have no Javascript experience, was hoping for the "block" editor to quickly produce basic code I can expand on.

    Thanks in advance.
