Avatar for user156051


Member since Jul 2023 • Last active Aug 2023
  • 2 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156051

    My banglejs2 relies on AGPS to get a GPS fix. But it is effective for at most 1 day. So I have to update the AGPS daily. Is there any way to extend AGPS data validity time?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156051

    I guess the 2nd step is unique on the forum. This step temporarily bypasses the whitelist. It takes serveral more steps to add device to whitelist.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156051

    Have you tried the following:

    1. In the Bluetooth setting, turn on BLE and turn off Passkey (it seems pin code does not work yet).
    2. Go to Make Connectable in the setting and stay on that screen.
    3. Connect to the watch.

    If you need to install apps, you need to turn on Programmable too.

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156051

    Thank you so much for your prompt action!

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156051

    Yes, I have other apps installed.

    But I'm sure that it was Loading... on the screen when Bangle became discoverable. And I did some experiments to find that it won't advertise itself until I swap app (with Loading). However, the time window is usually short. If I try to connect to Bangle, the connection will fail and refreshing the bluetooth list will cause it to disappear. So my little theory is that, maybe bluetooth was turned on for a short time, before being turned off due to setting ?

  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for user156051


    I notice that even if I have turned off bluetooth BLE in the setting, sometimes, my computer can still discover the Banglejs2 by bluetooth. I can associate this with the "loading" message. When I open/exit an app and the "loading" message is shown, Banglejs2 becomes discoverable. I think it can be a privacy issue because the watch still broadcasts its presence while the bluetooth is supposed to be off. Is there a way to reliably turn off bluetooth ?

    Steps to reproduce (you may need another device to scan for bluetooth devices):

    1. Turn off BLE in the setting.
    2. Exit from setting to the clockface.
    3. Notice that Banglejs2 shows up on another device's bluetooth list.
    4. Clear the bluetooth list by toggling bluetooth switch on another device.
    5. Open an app (e.g. GPS Info)
    6. Notice that "loading" message is shown and Banglejs2 shows up on another device's bluetooth list.
    7. Clear the bluetooth list again.
    8. Exit the app by holding the button for 2 seconds.
    9. Notice the "loading" message and Banglejs2 is discoverable.
    10. Open launcher by pressing button on clockface. No "loading" message is shown and Banglejs2 is not discoverable.
    11. Back to the clockface by touching the "<-" icon on topleft of the screen. No "loading" message is shown and Banglejs2 is not discoverable.