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Member since Aug 2022 • Last active Sep 2022
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  • in Bangle.js
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    Just wanted to report back that my son is using the watch now since two weeks without any problems. He is very happy and is still exploring and trying out apps.

    His friends also like it! It looks like the bangle.js is a perfect gift for tech-savvy kids from 8 years old or so.... :-)

    @Gordon thanks again. What you are doing here together with Christine and also the community is perfect customer care!

  • in Bangle.js
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    Just wanted to report back that the watch turned off in the mean time. After charging for two hours, it works again. What puzzles me a bit is that the button seems to work fine now. A long-press also leads to a reboot... :)

  • in Bangle.js
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    Sure, I will. Thanks a lot!

  • in Bangle.js
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    1. The screen is really frozen. It never changes and the backlight is off.
    2. Pressing the button does not change anything. No matter how long I press it.
    3. I tried connecting from my android phone but my mobile does not detect the watch. Only a progress spinner is shown when I click on connect.
    4. When my son received the watch, he was using it to measure his heart rate. He later changed the theme to a black background and also charged the clock for an hour or so. After some time, it froze. He tried to press the screen and button afterwards. But nothing changed since then. I did not observe him the whole time but the clock looks perfect. I also asked him if he fell on it or so but he did not.

    We will wait until the screen turns black and try to charge it, then.

    Gordon: No worries, things like that happen. Enjoy your holidays! We bought it from berrybase as we live in Germany. We can return it there in case it is broken...

    Thanks all for your kind help!

  • in Bangle.js
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    Sorry, forgot to mention that we tried to charge multiple times.

    I even warmed up the watch to around 40 degrees before attaching the charger once. Also tried multiple charging devices. Current between both charger pins is 5V.

  • in Bangle.js
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    Thanks, but nothing happens when I press the button for 10 seconds.

    When I open https://banglejs.com/apps/ I can not connect to the watch. So I guess that updating firmware is not possible...

  • in Bangle.js
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    a couple months ago, my son has developed the wish to buy a fitness tracker. As I don't like the concept of closed tracking devices I told him about Bangle.js 2 and he was fascinated. Since then, he was saving money and was finally able to order the watch a couple days ago. When he saw the parcel deliverer, he ran straight to him and was very happy. He unpacked it immediately and proudly started exploring his new smartwatch... :-)

    Unfortunately, the watch froze on the first day and I couldn't help him yet. It always shows the screen I attached. I tried to reset but it did not work. I also measured the current between the middle pins and it is 3.3V. Current between outer pins is 11.3mV.

    I tried to connect it to my phone but that also failed.

    Any ideas on how to proceed?

