Avatar for Quensi


Member since Nov 2021 • Last active Nov 2021
  • 1 conversations

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  • in Bangle.js
    Avatar for Quensi

    I received my bangle.js2 today in the post (yay) and I have been enjoying just having it but I wanted to connect to it and try out some of the apps, opening firefox I went to the app page and bluetooth in web browser doesn't work. No problem I have chrome installed for work. I open that and it scans and scans and nothing comes up. I went through every step on all of the FAQ/Help pages I could find linked and did every step it instructed to do so, I have made sure everything is up to date, my mac does list specifically it handled low energy bluetooth, I even tried on my android phone and on neither device does the bangle show up to connect to. What am I missing? I have bluetooth and programming on and HID is off (I quadruple checked).

    I have done every single step mentioned but it just won't appear anywhere on either device. Any advice?
