Run the WebIDE from an Apache web server?

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  • Is it possible to use the WebIDE by using it as a website instead of using the Google APP? ie, hypothetical setup: Espruino is connected to the USB port of the apache webserver. Use a different computer located somwhere else, point the web browser to the webserver that serves the WebIDE.

    Or possibly setup a webserver using NodeJS which supports USB, UART and etc.... giving the ability to update firmware from another location.

    I am aware there are draw backs such as hardware locking up and not being able to reset the hardware when away from the location. So, this idea is more of a curiousity question.

  • It's a chrome app. It's running entirely within the chrome browser - and it relies on Chrome's API to access the serial port. Changing it to run on a webserver would be a huge big deal.

    You'd be better off remote-desktopping to the computer running the WebIDE, or starting from scratch - if updating firmware is what you want, then maybe the serialflash thing?

    If changing program code is all you want to do, you could probably do that by setting up the espruino as a webserver that executed code sent to it.

  • I stumbled across:Ā­ino Not sure if it works correctly. I would try it out myself, however, my Espruino is packed in box since I recently moved. Also, ya, it would be a huge big deal to port it over to a server, that's why I thought NodeJS might be a better solution.

    As far as updating firmware using the "serialflash thing" I don't know what you are referring to.

  • I recently tried using the headphone jack as a basic serial port - and for that I did serve the Web IDE off of a web server.

    There isn't too much of a change, but you'd have to create something on the server that communicated with the webpage and forwarded that to the serial port.

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Run the WebIDE from an Apache web server?

Posted by Avatar for d0773d @d0773d
