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  • The watch shape really comes down to the display. I think the memory LCD is a good fit for Espruino - it's low power, and low enough pixel count the processor can update it quickly. Having to go for round limits your options a bit - it'll also ensure the vast majority of existing apps won't work... That seems like a bit hit to take just for aesthetics.

    For ear buds - I just wonder what features Espruino could add in an ear bud? I guess if it had some voice recognition and synthesis built in, and then with JS you could script what happened - but that's quite a step away from the kind of things Espruino is normally used for!

  • For ear buds - I just wonder what features Espruino could add in an ear bud?

    In theory what we could add is hacking some way of streaming audio into the ear buds from other BLE espruino devices. However the chances of nrf52 being in earbuds is probably zero, maybe newer (nrf53 and up) are a bit more likely with BLE audio coming.

    Or when linking some text to speech engine into the ear buds firmware the data transfers could be pretty low (just sending text). Or MIDI over BLE could work. Also it could act as a HID device.


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