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  • Which device are you after AGPS for? Bangle.js 2?

    I just run this code to get it:

    wget -O /tmp/cagps "­line.bin"
    base64 /tmp/cagps > casic.base64

    I run that code every hour, so honestly I don't think it's worth your time trying to do better?

    If you can find a 'fresher' source for the data I'm all for changing my code to use that though.

  • Yeah I guess that if you update once per hour it does not make much sense to work on this.
    Hot starting the gps with agps data is actually very fast, I thought it updated just once per day and didn't try uploading it just before running the gps.
    The api I was trying to use is the one from ublox­location-services/assistnow-getting-star­ted-guide
    I guess, from other posts in the forum, that you were using something like this for Banglejs1? They provide 100k free reqs. per month but I'm not sure how to stream the binary file into the gps chip once I get it.
    Anyway it does not seem something worth working on right now, thank you for the details


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