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  • Trying to understand your code example - have added questions as comments.

    // values for debug plotting
    var lastAccel = 120;      // BLUE
    var lastAccelFilt = 120;  // YELLOW
    var lastThresh = 120;     // RED
    // question: where do these values come from ? what does tap mean ?
    // question: is this a low pass 3Hz filter ?
    var filter_taps = new Int8Array([ -2, 4, 4, 1, -1, 0, 2, -3, -12, -13, 2, 24, 29, 6, -25, -33, -13, 10, 11, -1, 3, 29, 41, 4, -62, -89, -34, 62, 110, 62, -34, -89, -62, 4, 41, 29, 3, -1, 11, 10, -13, -33, -25, 6, 29, 24, 2, -13, -12, -3, 2, 0, -1, 1, 4, 4, -2 ]);
    // create a history buffer and populate it with the tap values ?
    var history = new Int8Array(filter_taps.length);
    // what units is this in ? 
    const stepCounterThresholdMin = 1500;
    const stepCounterAvr = 1;
    /// Theshold in filtered acceleration for detecting a step
    var stepCounterThreshold = stepCounterThresholdMin;
    /// has filtered acceleration passed stepCounterThresholdLow?
    var stepWasLow = false;
    function onAccel(a) {
      // question - onAccel is event driven, so events could be irregular, papers seem to suggest 20Hz sampling frequency
      // will this event driven approach provide regular sampling of approx 20Hz or will it be subject to CPU performance etc
      // scale to fit and clip
      var v = ((a.mag-1)*8192)>>5;
      // create a new Int8Array from the existing but starting from pos 1 of the existing history
      // this drops off index 0 and moves everything up, leaving the last entry to be filled
      // with the new value
      history.set(new Int8Array(history.buffer,1));
      // set last value to the clipped value from the accel
      history[history.length-1] = E.clip(v, -128, 127);
      // do filtering
      //  what is convolution ??
      // question: - is this a low pass filter at 3Hz to get rid of noise ?
      // question: - why is accFiltered much larger than v , why >>2 to make it bigger ? 
      var accFiltered = E.convolve(filter_taps, history, 0) >> 2;
      // Simple average-based threshold
      if (stepCounterAvr) {
        var a = accFiltered;
        if (a<0) a=-a;
        stepCounterThreshold = (stepCounterThreshold*(32-stepCounterAvr­) + a*stepCounterAvr) >> 5;
        if (stepCounterThreshold < stepCounterThresholdMin)
          stepCounterThreshold = stepCounterThresholdMin;
      // Set threshold based on the 'middle' history item - the one making the big spikes.
      // Try and scale it appropriately
        question:  why would middle history item represent a big spike ?
        the history starts out blank and samples shuffle along in a FIFO manner
        initially history[32] will be 0 until the 32nd accel event has been captured ?
        question: having filtered why are we using the raw data again and not a scalled form of accFiltered ?
      var a = history[32] * 55;
      if (a<0) a=-a;
      if (a > stepCounterThreshold) 
        stepCounterThreshold = a;//(stepCounterThreshold+a) >> 1;
      stepCounterThreshold -= 48;  // question: why -= 48 ??
      if (stepCounterThreshold < stepCounterThresholdMin)
        stepCounterThreshold = stepCounterThresholdMin;  
      // check for steps, a bottom, followed by top threshold crossing = a step
      var hadStep = false;
      if (accFiltered < -stepCounterThreshold) 
        stepWasLow = true;
      else if ((accFiltered > stepCounterThreshold) && stepWasLow) {
        stepWasLow = false;
        hadStep = true;
      // output data
      var n;
      // question: cyan markers on the edge of the screen mean that
      // we crossed the threshold ??
      if (accFiltered < -stepCounterThreshold)
      if (accFiltered > stepCounterThreshold)
      n = 120+v;
      lastAccel = n;
      n = 120+(accFiltered>>6);
      lastAccelFilt = n;
      n = 120+(stepCounterThreshold>>6);
      lastThresh = n;
      if (hadStep) {

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