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  • Hi, here i am again. After following the above instructions I am still not able to use my Bangle.js watch i received as a Christmas gift December 2020.
    As per the instructions i downloaded the latest Espruino ide to my PC. The Android part confuses me. I downloaded the NRF Toolbox app to my Android device. The watch goes in DFU mode easily. I opened NRF Toolbox app. After hitting DFU I then Select the location of the Espruino Ide i downloaded to my PC. How would I get my Android phone to get the ide Zip from the PC? I went so far as to download the ide zip to my Phone but when I select the zip it is not able to load it presumably because Android cant zip files.

    I am sincerely sorry and apologetic for being such a bother. But further help would very much be appreciated.




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