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  • Can 2 apps/widgets access to GPS positions?

    Yes, they should be able to interact just fine, so I'm surprised there's an issue there.

    after leaving bangleRun (with button3) all info from last session gets lost. Is the expected behaviour?

    I think so. Apps/widgets can subscribe to a kill event and can use it to save any stored data but it doesn't look like banglerun does this (yet)

  • I see that creates files per session,
    banglerun_201001_123302 (StorageFile).txt

    When GPS is not working (shows NaN) the created file seems to have content just headers (timestamp,latitude,longitude,altitude,d­uration,distance,heartrate,steps)

    However, when GPS is working it generates a file, corrupt or too big to be downloaded from webIDE, and it happens even if you don't exit the app with BTN3.

    Trying to download will produce something like:

    *Timed out receiving file

    < <<
    Disconnected from Web Bluetooth, Bangle.js*


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